4th hijri
It depends on how the question is being asked. If it is asking, what is Anno Hijri 632 in the Gregorian System, it is the year that started in the fall of the year 1234 C.E. If it is asking, what is 632 C.E. in the Hijri System, it is the year 10 A.H.
17 Ramadan 1370 Hijri = 22 June 1951 Gregorian
43 Hijri.
It was ordained in 2 Hijri, or year 624.
1393 for the first 23 days in January, and 1394 for the rest of the year.
It was ordained in 2 Hijri, or year 624.
It was ordained in 2 Hijri, or year 624, in Saudi Arabia.
Eid holidays (three days) twice a year. Hijri new year (Hijri Calendar) Mawlid al nabawi (Prophit Mohammed's birth date on hijri calendar) national Day (18 Nov) Weekends are Thursdays and Fridays for government offices, and Fridays and saturdays for banks and some corporates.
Hijri Dede died in 1952.
It was ordained in 2 Hijri, or year 624, in Saudi Arabia.