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Obviously Christianity came first so it is older than Islam. It is practically as old as 2013 years. Islam came almost 600 years after Christianity and the Muslims believe that Islam is the final religion of God, the final revelations were sent down upon Muhammad PBUH. And Islam considers that Judaism and Christianity both were the reigions which had the same God, but different religions are for different regions and for a particular time.

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Q: Which is religion older christian orthodoxy or Islam?
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Which religion is older Islam or christainity?

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Hinduism is possibly the most ancient formal religion still practised. It is thousands of years older than Islam.

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Buddhism is over 2500 years old, Islam is nearly 1400 years old.

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Is Islam older than Christianity and by how many years?

It depends on several factors. First, according to Islamic theology, Islam has existed since the Creation of the Universe, so under that definition, Islam is necessarily older since Catholicism was developed within the world. However, if we proceed from a historical basis there is a serious debate on which is older for the following reason: the Unified Church was founded in the First Century C.E., nearly 500 years before Islam was founded. The Unified Church was an umbrella group the would eventually schism in 451, dropping the Monophysites and Miaphysites (such as the Copts, Armenians, and Ethiopians, etc.), and again in 1054, when the Unified Church had the Great Schism which led to independent Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Therefore, Catholicism as a distinctly named church is younger than Islam by around 400 years, but Catholicism traces its origins to the Unified Church which is older than Islam by around 500 years.

How much old is Islam religion?

Very young compared to judaism and is 600 years younger than christainity, catholicism to be exact. But eastern religion like Hinduism and budhism are even older thousands of years older than Islam.

What is the second-oldest religion Christianity or Islam?

Christianity, not Islam, is the second oldest religion. They were both preceded by the Hebrew monotheistic religion, and by the non-monotheistic Zoroastrian religion and many other different beliefs involving worship of idols and natural phenomena.

What religion is older Muslim or Christianity?

christian is older bcz hazrat Esa were sent first towords people and muhammad were the sent after hazrat Esa..

Which religion is older Muslim or Catholic?

catholicism has been around longer. Islam is one of the newest religions. it was formed in the 6th century based on philosophy.