soorathul zilzaal
surah noor
surah val-asr
Surah Ghafir, Surah Fussilat, Surah Shuraa, Surah Zukhruf, Surah Dukhan, Surah Jathiyah and Surah Ahqaf.
Out of the ones you were asking, Surah Yusuf is the largest-It has the most ayahs. Surah Ibrahim- I think 53 ayahs Surah Yunus-109 Surah Yusuf- 111
Which surah called al kaleem
surah fatiha
It is a Madani surah. But it was revealed in Makkah.
Surah Yunus Surah Yusuf Surah Ibrahim Surah Muhammed Surah Nuh. i am not sure if these are all of them but this is what i got...
The smallest Surah as Surah al-Kawthar (108)
Surah Takathur (The Competition in Possessions)