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The Book of Daniel chapter 10

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The Book of Daniel chapter 10

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Q: Which book of the Bible tells about the archangel Gabriel being detained by the Prince of Persia?
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Many would interpret this vision of Daniel as speaking to the Angel Gabriel. The 'king of Persia' represents ha Satan whom the Archangel Michael intercedes with to allow Gabriel to give this futuristic prophecy to Daniel:Daniel 10:12-14New International Version (NIV)12 Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. 14 Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the future, for the vision concerns a time yet to come."

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