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Matthew preached to the Ethiopians, he also went to Macedonia, Persia, and Parthia (northeast Iran).

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Q: Which apostle peached in Persia?
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The Apostle Peter (Simon Peter Crucified upside down in Rome during the reign of the Emperor Nero in 64AD The Apostle Andrew. Andrew was crucified in Greece on an X-shaped cross The Apostle James. The Apostle James was the older brother of John the Apostle. James was beheaded. He was "put to death with the sword" by King Herod (Acts 12:2). The Apostle John The Island of Patmos where he possibly died of natural causes. The Apostle Philip. Carthage, Greece, where he was crucified (the Greeks say head downwards), and then stoned to death. The Apostle Bartholomew. The Apostle Bartholomew (also known as Nathaniel) It is believed that he suffered the terrible double sentence of being flayed alive and crucified. Near Persia and Phrygia. The Apostle Thomas. The Apostle Thomas (also known as Didymus) preached in Persia and India where he was killed by four soldiers armed with spears. The Apostle Matthew. he is believed to have been axed to death at Naddabar in Ethiopia with a halberd (a pike fitted with an axe head). The Apostle James the Less (the son of Alphaeus). The Apostle James (James the Less) preached in Syria and it is believed that he was clubbed to death. The Apostle Jude Thaddaeus. The Apostle Thaddaeus was crucified at Edessa. How did the Apostle Simon die? The apostle Simon is believed to have been crucified in Persia. The Apostle Judas Iscariot die? The Apostle Judas Iscariot committed suicide by hanging himself. Outside of Gethseminy The Apostle Matthias die?

Why was Dwight Eisenhower im peached?

He was not, it was Bill Clinton................

Where was saint Simon the apostle buried?

Saint Simon the Apostle is traditionally believed to have been buried in Persia, in the city of Sufian. Another tradition holds that his remains were later transferred to Rome and are now located in the Basilica of Santi XII Apostoli.

Who was the sermon of the mount peached by?

Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5 - 7).

Where did Thomas the Apostle live?

Traditionally, it is believed that Thomas the Apostle lived and ministered in India. He is said to have travelled to Kerala and established Christian communities there. His tomb is also said to be located in Mylapore, Chennai, in India.

Where did Saint Thomas the Apostle live?

Saint Thomas the Apostle is believed to have lived and preached primarily in India and the surrounding region. He is often associated with establishing the Christian community in what is now modern-day Kerala.

How do you spell Persia?


Where does the kamancheh come from?

it comes from Persia it comes from Persia it comes from Persia

What was Persia former name?

Persia had no former name, it was always known as Persia.

Was Jude the apostle killed was arrows?

Tradition holds that Jude, also known as Thaddeus, was martyred with arrows around 65 AD in Persia. This method of execution is associated with his death in many historical accounts and Christian traditions.

What is the new name of persia?
