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The third month of the current calendar [March] is named after the ancient Greek Olympian god Ares [latin Mars] - the warrior god, civil order and courage.

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Q: Which ancient god's name named the third month of the current calendar?
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Who named October?

The name "October" comes from the Latin word "octo," meaning eight. Originally, October was the eighth month in the Roman calendar until it was later adjusted to its current position as the tenth month.

Did pope Gregory named the days and month of his calendar?

No, he kept the names the ancient Romans gave them.

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No because it once was the 10th and final month of the year in the ancient Roman calendar.

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No, both are named after the prefix oct- which means eight. The ancient calendar began in the Spring (in March) and then October was the eighth month.

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The Ancient Roman lunar calendar had a month called Februarius, named for the purification festival called Februa which was held on the 15th day of that month.

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The month named after Mars is March. It is the third month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

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The month September gets its name from the Latin word "septem," which means "seven." In the original Roman calendar, September was the seventh month.

How was the month of October named?

October was named for the Latin root "octo" because it was the eighth month in the old Roman calendar. The naming of the month took place before the months of January and February were added to the calendar.

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October was named after the Latin word "octo," meaning "eight," as it was originally the eighth month in the Roman calendar before January and February were added.

Why is September called September?

"Sept" is an extraction of the latin word for "seven". September was the seventh month in the ancient ten-month calendar. Some of the months were named for the gods, e.g., January for Janus, March for Mars, June for Juno. Some of the months were named with extractions of the latin words for their numerical order in the ten-month year, e.g., October for eight, November for nine, December for ten. The Roman caesars added July, in honor of Julius Caesar, and August, in honor of Caesar Augustus, resulting in our current twelve-month calendar.

What is the modern 12 month calendar called?

The Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII, who rectified errors in the Julian calendar, which was the previously accepted calendar.

Is there a month named after Venus?

No, there is no month named after Venus. The months in the Gregorian calendar are largely derived from Latin or Roman names. Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty, but there is no corresponding month named after her.