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Q: Which Muslim ruler remained in his sons captivity?
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Rajesha seems to be a Hindu name. The Muslims should give better and beautiful names having better meaning to their sons and daughters. The names of the Muslims should sound like a Muslim.

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They will not, they will try to explain you the religion and maybe you will conver in sha Allah.

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Is Obama an acting muslim?

No, he is not any kind of Muslim. He is a Christian. He does have some Muslim relatives on his father's side of the family, but he has not seen them much in his life. The people who raised the president (his grandparents) were church-going Christians, and there is no credible evidence that the president has ever practiced Islam. To be a Muslim you must believe that the God is one, The God is not the father, not a son, and the god has no sons. Islam is not by inheritance, it's by belief.

How do you say prince in German?

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