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There are no Muslim countries where Spanish is either an official language or an indigenous language. Spain is the only Spanish-speaking country in the world to be heavily influenced in the past by Islam. But there are no Arabic-speaking countries that are influenced by Spanish.

The majority of Spanish-speaking Muslims live in the United States.

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There are some areas of MOROCCO and all of WESTERN SAHARA that were previously Spanish colonies and have significant minorities of Spanish speakers. The majorities speak local dialects of Arabic which have a few words of Spanish origin, like "cocina" (كوسينا) for kitchen instead of the Arabic word "matbakh" (مطبخ), but to say that these languages "contain" Spanish would be a bit of an overreach. The number of loanwords is roughly 5%.

In terms of Spanish speakers, the situation differs between Morocco and Western Sahara. In Morocco, given the much wider prevalence of French as a European language, Spanish is becoming increasingly less common. In Western Sahara, the use of Spanish as a language of the educated is increasingly seen as a form of resistance to Moroccan occupation, so there is a desire to retain the use of Spanish. Additionally since Hassaniyya Arabic, the predominant dialect of Arabic used in Western Sahara and Mauritania, is not understood even by other Arabs, Spanish allows Sahraouis to communicate more effectively with foreign audiences.

However, as Adam Reisman notes, there is no country today with a Muslim-majority that has Spanish as an official language and all Latin American countries are Christian-majority. Additionally, it is worth noting that while the Philippines has a Muslim minority in Mindinao and the Philippines was a Spanish colony, Spanish was never used by a large section of the population in Mindinao, and therefore does not contain any noticeable minority of Spanish speakers.

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