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The Catholic Church has the pope as its leader.

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14y ago

A Roman Catholic church headed by the Primacy of Saint Peter the first pope.

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10y ago

The Pope is the Vicar of Christ for the entire Catholic Church, he is also the Archbishop of the diocese of Rome, his cathedral is St. John Lateran.

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Catholic churches follow the pope.

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Q: Which Catholic Church is headed by pope?
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Vatican City is the headquarters of The Roman Catholic Church which is headed by the Pope.

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The pope is the head of the Catholic Church. There is only one Catholic Church and it is not a sect. To be a Catholic Church, a church must be in union with the pope. If they are not in union with the pope, they are not Catholic.

What sect of what church the Pope is head of.?

The pope is the head of the Catholic Church. There is only one Catholic Church and it is not a sect. To be a Catholic Church, a church must be in union with the pope. If they are not in union with the pope, they are not Catholic.

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England, Australia and every other country where Roman Catholicism exists, is always headed by the Pope. The Roman Catholic Church has just one earthly leader who resides in Rome.

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Catholic Church. Pope has written: 'The Church' -- subject(s): Papal documents, Church

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The Church of England, the Anglican Church, is headed by the reigning monarch of England.

Who is head of the Romon Catholic Church?

As of March 2013, Pope Francis is the leader of the Catholic Church.

Which church does the pope head?

The pope is the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church.

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There is only one pope for the entire Catholic Church.

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Benedict XVI was the 265th pope of the Catholic Church.

How old is the Church of England?

It was approximately 1533 that Henry VII separated England from the catholic church headed by the pope and established the Anglican church, or church of England. Since it is currently 2009, the church is 476 years old.