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Q: Where was the tabernacle first placed after the Israelites enter Canaan?
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Who became the Israelites new leader as they prepared to enter Canaan?

Joshua, son of Nunn.

Where is God's tabernacle?

The actual structure of God's tabernacle that was talked about in the Old Testament doesn't exist anymore. When it was built, the Israelites transported it all over the dessert when they were waiting to enter the promise land. So, it was in the desert in Israel.

Did the Israelites cross the Nile river to enter the promised land?

If they followed Moses, then yes they did.

Which rive did Joshua and Israel cross to get into canaan?

Joshua and the Israelites crossed the Jordan River to enter Canaan. God miraculously stopped the river's flow to allow them to pass safely.

Did any of the original Israelites reach the promised land?

The Biblical Israelites were the descendants of the Biblical patriarch Jacob, who also bore the name Israel. Moises did not enter Canaan. After the conquest of the remainder of Canaan, Joshua 1st in charge after Moises, assigned territories to the tribes of Judah, Ephraim, Manasseh, Simeon, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, and Zebulon. Joshua and Caleb were the only ones out of the original Israelites to leave Egypt and also to enter the Promised Land.

Who was allowed to enter into the holy place tabernacle?

In ancient Judaism, only specific priests from the tribe of Levi were allowed to enter the holy place tabernacle to perform rituals and offer sacrifices. This exclusion was in place to maintain the sanctity of the holy space and uphold the religious practices of the Israelites.

Who was allowed to use the tabernacle?

The 'tabernacle' sometimes refers to the 'tent of meeting' and sometimes to the actual tabernacle which was within the tent of meeting (which can cause confusion if one is equating the two). Within the walls of the tent of meeting were the altar of burnt offering, the bronze 'sea' (a big old basin of water resting upon 12 bronze, outward facing bulls), and, of course, the covered tabernacle consisting of two rooms, the holy place, wherein only priests were allowed to go in daily to offer incense on the altar of incense, light the gold lampstand, or put out the showbread. The back room of the tabernacle was segregated from the front by a veil, and only the High Priest was allowed to enter through that veil, and then, only on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) to make atonement for Israel. So if by the tabernacle you meant the tent of meeting, the answer is that only male Israelites could enter the tent of meeting wherein the tabernacle was located - we see this in the first chapter of Leviticus, where a layman was instructed to bring his burnt offering to the north side of the altar of burnt offerings, and slay it, skin it, and cut it up there. It was the priests who then took these and offered them on the altar. The laymen however, could not (under penalty of death) enter the tabernacle - nor could the Levites. Of course when the tabernacle was moved, the holy items within were covered, and the tent taken down - so that when the (covered) ark of the covenant etc. were made visible, they were no longer in the tabernacle (for it was taken down first) - thus a Levite could carry the ark out of where it was sitting without actually entering the tabernacle.

Who did enter the promise land?

The children of the Israelites who were brought out of Egypt.

How many words are in Deuteronomy?

In the book of Deuteronomy in the Bible International Version there are twenty-six thousand four hundred ninety-four words (24,494). This book includes when the Israelites were still in the desert and in the Promise Land. Also, it is about when Moises does not enter the Canaan and goes to Mount Nebo and died there.

Was moses the first king in the land of Canaan?

No, Moses was not the first king in the land of Canaan. According to religious texts, Moses was a prophet and leader who guided the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, but he did not rule as a king in Canaan. The first king in Canaan was likely Saul, who ruled around the 11th century BCE.

Who was Deuteronomy chapter 28 speaking to?

The word 'deuteronomy means "repetition of the law" after 40 years when the people were about to enter Canaan, and Moses was reminding them of their history: although he was talking then specifically to physical Israelites, it also applies since then and today to Jews and spiritual Israelites as well, and Chapters 28 & 29 (the Blessings and Cursings chapters) apply to everyone else as well even if they are not Jewish or christian at all.

Was the Jordan river the body of water that the Hebrews had to cross to enter Canaan?

Abraham possibly crossed the Jordan, but the Hebrews coming out of Egypt would have entered Israel through the South (the Jordan is on east Coast).Answer:Yes, the Israelites crossed the Jordan (Joshua ch.3-4).