The first country he visited was Germany, his homeland.
The first U.S. Presidential election took place in 1788, when George Washington was elected.
Yes Benedict Arnold was born in Norwich, on Arnold Place.
There has not yet been a Pope Benedict XVII. The current Pope, Pope Benedict XVI was borne in Bavaria, Germany.
We was from Nursia, or Narsia, in Italy.
No, it is fictional.
St. Benedict had been considered a saint for centuries and that was confirmed in the year 1220 by Pope Honorius III when he was canonized. He was not beatified first.
Each new pope is elected by a conclave of cardinals held in Vatican City. The meeting place is often fitted with a chimney from which smoke is emitted, ostensibly by the burning of ballots. A ballot that elects a pope will be marked by white smoke from the chimney, with official announcements made a few hours later.
As pope, he reigned from the Vatican. Prior to being elected as pope he was the Patriarch of Venice in Italy.
The first presidential election took place in 1788 and the winner was George Washington. He took office in April of 1789.