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After Solomon's rule, the Nation of Israel was split in two; Ten tribes (Israel) to the north in Samaria, and two tribes(Judah) to the south in Jerusalem. All twelve eventually became steeped in immorality, idolatry and bloodshed (Micah 1:7/2:1, 2/3:1-3, 9-12/ 6:12/ 7:2-6). The book of Micah:

**outspokenly reveals their transgressions and eventual destruction of Jerusalem and Samaria (Micah 1:5-9/3:9-12)

**outlines God's judgment against them (Micah 1:2 /Micah 3:1/ Micah 6:1)

**points forward to a time of restoration (Micah 4:1-8/5:7-9/7:15-17).

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Among the Ten Israelite Tribes (the Northern Kingdom). Micah lived in a town called Moreishah.

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The book of The Bible

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