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Moses received the Ten Commandments from God after he and the Israelites walked through the wilderness for three months. He climbed to the top of Mount Sinai where God gave his Ten Commandments to Moses (Exodus ch.19-20).

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13y ago

The event took place at Mt. Sinai. But if our memory of scripture is accurate, the

entire unified people of Israel, gathered at the base of the mountain, heard the

Ten Commandments spoken in some kind of loud voice from the direction of the

mountain, and found the experience so fearful and exhausting that they begged

not to hear any more first-hand, and for Moses to bring the rest to them and tell

them about it. The so-called "Ten Commandments" came direct, not through Moses.

Also according to scripture, forty years later, as Moses narrated his memoirs to

the people just before his death, and recalled the event at Sinai, he paraphrased

the Ten Commandments, not even repeating the same words that everyone had

heard there.

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12y ago

Mount Sinai, in the Sinai desert (wilderness).

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Q: Where was Moses when he got given the ten commandments?
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Where did moses brought the ten commandments at?

Moses got the ten commandments from God on Mount Sanai

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the ten commandments were given to moses at mount sinai

Who did god give the commandments to?

God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai.

Who received the Ten Commandments from God?

The first time it was recorded was with Moses, but there is evidence that the ten commandments were given before that. For instance, the bible tells us that the people kept the sabbath before the ten commandments were given.

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The ten commandments were given to Moses, sothat the Hebrew would follow gods laws.

Who was the ten commandments sent from?

According to the Old Testament the ten commandments were given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai.

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No, HaShem (The Creator) gave Moses the Ten Statements.

Who received the ten commandments from god on mount sinai?

Moses was given the 10 commandments there.

Moses do on mount sinai?

Moses talked and listened to god and also got the ten commandments there.

What are moral laws given to Moses by god?

The moral laws given to Moses by God are often referred to as the Ten Commandments. These commandments outline principles for ethical behavior, such as honoring one's parents, refraining from murder and theft, and avoiding false witness and coveting. They serve as a foundation for moral conduct in many religious and ethical traditions.

Where the ten commandments given?

The Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God atop Mt. Sinai on the Sinai Peninsula, which is east of northern Egypt. Chapter 19 of Exodus describes the Israelites' coming into the wilderness of Sinai, and Chapter 20 describes God's proclamation of the Ten Commandments to Moses.