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Q: Where there Muslims at the time of Christ?
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Muslims regard Jesus Christ as?

Muslims regard Jesus as an important prophet

Who is Jesus Christ for them Islam?

Jesus Christ is one of the Prophets for Muslims in Islam !

Do Muslims recognize Jesus Christ as the son of god?


Did Muslims believe in Jesus Christ crusifixion and resurrection?

The Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet. They do not believe he is the son of God or that he was resurrected.

Did Muhammad serve as a disciple and missionary for christ?

muhammad is anti christ. the muslims dont belive jesus is the son of god.

Do black Muslims believe in the trinity?

No they didn't, they believed in God but not Jesus Christ

How do Muslima feel about Jesus Christ?

Muslims consider Jesus as a prophet only.

What did Muslims believe Jesus Christ and Muhammad were?

As I see it, the Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but Muhammad was a more recent prophet. But they are very different because Jesus Christ is God, (Titus 2.13), and Muhammad is a prophet that tells of another God, Allah.

Who is the highest followers in the world Jesus Christ or prophet muhammed?

The christians are more in number then the Muslims.

Will the Muslims go to heaven?

Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to save you. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Him. (John 14:6) ------------------------------------------ Maybe, and maybe not. Not all Muslims are true Muslims.

Why do Muslims celebrate Christmas?

Muslims DO NOT celebrate Christmas, because Christmas is a Christian holiday. Muslims follow the religion, Islam, and that is why they DO NOT celebrate Christmas. Muslims do not have the beliefs that Jesus was the "son" of God, but rather Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet of God. So that is why Muslims do not celebrate "Christ"mas.

Do Muslims believe that muhhammad was the son of God?

No. That's a term usually used by Christians, for Jesus Christ.