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St George is the patron Saint of England and is celebrated on the 23rd April every year. St George was a Greek in the Roman Army during 300 AD. There is a range of information on Wikipedia on Saint George and the other Patron Saints.

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What countries have Saint George as their patron saint?

St. George is the patron saint of England, Canada, Georgia and Germany.

Is Saint George a real saint?

Yes, St. George was a real person and is considered as a saint but many of the things he is credited with doing are myths.

Was Saint George real?

Yes, Saint George was a real person. However, many of the stories that have grown up about him are myths.

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Saint George was a real person, not a legend. Many of the events of his life, however, were inventions of over active minds and pure legends.

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Saint George is a saint in ALL countries.

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Yes,, he is the patron saint of St. George's in Illawara.

Is Saint George a myth or is he real?

St. George was a real person but many of the things he is credited with doing are myths.

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St. George replaced St. Michael as the patron saint of England in the 14th century during the reign of King Edward III. St. George gained popularity due to his association with chivalry and his portrayal as a dragon-slayer.

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This third century, somewhat legendary saint, left no information about who his family was.

Which two countries is Saint George patron saint of?

Saint George is the patron saint of several countriesCanadaEngland (by Pope Benedict XIV)EthiopiaGeorgiaGermanyGreeceLithuaniaMaltaPortugalCappadociaCataloniaPalestine

Was Saint George good or bad?

Saint George would not have the title of saint if he was bad.