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The Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the central spiritual volume for Sikhism. Considered the central pillar in guiding the adherent though the Sikh way of life, this text is housed at the Harmandir Sahib (The Temple of God) located in Amritsar, Punjab, India. The temple was completed in 1577 AD.

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the room is called a gudwara , every room or place that has a copy of the guru granthe sahib is called it , and the granthe reads it .

hope this helps as i am doing it in school now :D

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kept in the temple

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Q: Where is the special Guru Granth Sahib kept during night?
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What is the gurdwaras rest room for?

The rest room in a Gurdwara is for the Guru Granth Sahib. It is kept there during the night.

Why is guru granth sahib important and why?

Because you touch youself at night

Where is the Guru Granth sahib kept during the day?

In the canopy in the Gurdwara

Why do they put the guru granth sahib to bed at night?

Because it gets tired after a long day's work and it needs it's sleep

Is There a Perticular time to read a specific bani from Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.e.g if I want to or i like to read Shalok mahla 9 everyday is this ok?

As per "Sikh Rehat Marayada" we should do Nitnem daily. In the nitnem "Jap Ji Sahib", "Jaap Sahib", "Swaiye" are read in the morning. "Rehraas Sahib" is read in the evening after sunset. and "Sohila Sahib" is to be read in the night while going to bed. But otherwise any bani can be read any time from "Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji". There is no restriction for the time.

In the night do the Sikhs put the guru granth sahib to bed?

The Guru Granth Sahibji is a collection of Hymns of the Sikh Guru's (and other Saints). It is seen as a living Guru in effect, so at night time it is put to bed in the same way a living Guru would be.

How do Sikhs show equality and respect to the guru granth sahib?

The Guru Granth Sahib is treated with the up-most respect in gudwara. It lies on a cushion called a manji and it is covered with a rumalla and placed on a platform when it is not in use. When the book is being read the pages are cleaned with a chauri (fan). The book is kept in chanini which is like a four poster bed. And when they have finished reading the sikhs 'put it to bed'When sikhs enter the gudwara they must take off their shoes and bow to the book. Sikhs are not aloud to turn their back to the book.Hope this helps

What do Sikhs do before opening the guru granth sahib?

There are several instructions which much be observed concerning the Guru Granth Sahib. The following are taken from the appropriate article in Wikipedia: Personal Behaviour Any person carrying out any service must observe the following: * Head must be covered at all times. * Shoes must be removed outside the Guru's room. * Basic standards of personal hygiene are to be observed especially relating to cleanliness * Eating or drinking while in service is strictly avoided. * Complete silence is observed while in Guru's service. * Respectful attitude towards others who are present. * The room should be kept clean * The clothes that are used to cover Guru Granth are kept clean and changed daily. Some people choose to use decorated cloth, but this is not necessary. * Guru Granth is always placed on a Manji Sahib (small handmade bed like throne). * A canopy is always placed over Guru Granth. * A Chaur Sahib (artificial hairs bundled together to fan over the Guru Granth Sahib) is be provided besides Guru Granth with a small platform to house the Karah Parshad (sacramental food) and other offerings. While Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is on the move the following is observed: * Five initiated Sikhs accompany Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji at all times when traveling * Another Sikh does Chaur Sahib seva * The Main Sikh carrying Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji must put a clean rumalla on his or her head before carefully and with respect placing Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji on this Rumalla. At all times, Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji should be covered with a small Rumalla so that Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji's Saroop is always fully "covered". * There should be recitation of "Waherguru "(a rendering of God's name) at all times. * No one sits on a higher platform than the Guru.

What is the Sikhs temple called?

The Sikh house of worship is called a Gurdwara (may also be spelled as Gurudwara). Which literally means house of the Guru (since "Guru" means Guru or teacher and "dwara" means house or place). The reasoning behind this is that a Gurdwara is the place in which resides the Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a text which contains scriptures from the Sikh Gurus (in the form of poetry), excerpts from the Geeta (the Holy book of Hindus), exerpts from the Quran (the Holy book of Muslims), and the works of other noted poets and saints of that time. As this text is considered to be an abundance of religious knowledge, the last Guru of the Sikhs (Guru Gobind Singh Ji) had declared the Guru Granth Sahib Ji to be considered the next and last Guru after him (as knowledge is regarded as the best Guru).As this text is considered as a living Guru, there is a separate room for the Guru Granth Sahib Ji in a Gurdwara and the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is taken out of this room with a full procession of respect in the morning and placed in a royal looking structure which is placed above ground level (as everyone who goes to a Gurdwara sits on the floor while the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is placed at a slightly higher level....this is an Indian form of a sign of respect). During the day, scriptures are read out of the Guru Granth Sahib Ji and a night, with a similar procession of respect, the Guru Granth Sahib Ji is taken back to the previous room.Also, as a sign of respect, when one enters a Gurdwara, the head is always covered and shoes are always removed.It's known as an Gurdwara people of all faith are invited.There is also another house of worship. It is named after three kings. Koyeul, Swertag and Fortynik.

What are the sacred objects of Sikhism?

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji (the Sikh scriptures), is considered by Sikhs to be the living Guru. All of life's questions are answered by contemplating, reading and studying Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The word Guru means enlightener. Granth means sacred or holy book. Sahib is a word used as a form of respect. Ji - a suffix used with names and titles to show respect. Worship consists of reading Gurbani (fixed prayers in the morning, evening and night). Gurbani means words of the Guru. The prayers are taken from Guru Granth Sahib Ji. In the congregation, kirtan (singing with instruments) is an essential part of the worship. A dissertation consisting of oration and meanings of Gurbani is also part of the congregation. Langar, free food, is the closing part of the worship.

What things are seen in a visit to a gurdwara?

Gurudwara always have many rooms, one as a darbar where Sikhs visit when they go to Gurudwara, one room where the Guru Granth Sahib is kept during night time, then there is a room for Granthi. Langar room where community meal is preperaed, langar hall where community meal is served.There is also a room for a visitor if he/she wants to stay in the Gurudwara.

What is Nilawanti Granth?

nilawanti is the horar granth any human read this granth letar. he is totaly mad bcoz hi is known all animals sounds and future