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The Umayyad Masjid in Damascus.

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Q: Where is the most famous Muslim place of worship in Syria?
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The mosque in blank is a place of Muslim worship?

Mosques anywhere are places of Muslim worship.

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How would you define a mosque?

A Muslim place of worship

What is the name of Muslims church?

The Muslim place of worship is calles a Masjid.

Where do the Muslim worship?

They worship every where every time. However, if you mean ritual worship of praying (salat), then the Muslim can practice it in mosques, homes, offices, open air, or any clean dry place.

Should there be statues of Jesus in places of worship?

There are usually statues of Jesus in Christian places of worship, but you will not find them in a Jewish or Muslim place of worship.

What is a mosque and why is it important?

A mosque is a building for Muslim religious worship. It is important as a place of prayer and communal organization for the local Muslim community.

What is the Muslims house of worship called?

A Muslim house of worship is called a mosque. It is a place where Muslims gather for communal prayers, worship, and other religious activities.

Is an oasis a Muslim place of worship?

NO. An oasis is a place in the desert where there is a small pool of surface water. Muslims worship at buildings called mosques.

How many times does a Muslim visit a place of worship?

If you mean by worship prayers or Salt, then a Muslim visits the place of worship (called mosque) five times a day. However, he can pray in any clean place; even in open air areas, including home, office, ... except for Friday noon prayer a Muslim should go to mosque for listening to the sermon and noon praying; unless having a licit excuse.

Which religion has a place of worship called mosque?

Muslims worship in mosques but the religion is Islam

Where is the best place to go on a pilgrimage?

Its basically kaaba located in Makkah at that direction muslim worship..muslim worship in dirextion of kaaba not kaaba