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The star or shield of David is not a religious symbol and doesn't have any one specific location.

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It can been seen on many Jewish belongings including: mezuzahs, menorahs, tallis bags, and kipot. You might also see it on an Jewish ambulance when it is making a run.

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Q: Where is the Star of David commonly seen?
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Does the star of David means that you don't believe in God?

No. The Star of David is commonly used as a symbol of Judaism. Jews believe in the same God that Christians do, but do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah.

What are the characteristics of a hexagram?

A hexagram is a six-pointed star. It is a combination of two equilateral triangles. It is commonly known as the Star of David or the star that the signifies the Jewish religion.

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The biggest Star of David can be found at Hold Naval Communications Base very near the town of Exmouth in Western Australia. As seen from above, the Star itself is 2,500 meters in diameter.

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The star on the Moroccan flag is not the Star of David; it is a pentagram symbolizing harmony and divine guidance. It has been used in Moroccan culture for centuries and predates the use of the Star of David in Judaism. The star on the flag is known as the Seal of Solomon, a symbol commonly found in Islamic art and Islamic countries.

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How did the star of David come to represent the Jews when all around the world that same star represents something evil?

You may be confusing a pentagram (5 sided) commonly associated with satanism etc, with the 8 pointed star of David. They are not, in fact, the same.

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I don't know what it means, but it's not Judaism's Star of David as seen on the Israeli flag and elsewhere, which has SIX points. The five-pointed star represents Judaism's "Star of David." The state colors of Israel are blue and white and the Israeli flag has a blue Star of David on a white background.

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Currently he is single, but has been seen out with co-star Selena Gomez.

What color is the Judaism star?

The significance of the Star of David is not its colour but its shape - a star with six points. The star has been seen in many colours and many forms. It is light-blue on the Israeli flag, but has also been seen in red, black and white amongst other colours.

How many quadrilaterals are in the star of David?

There are no quadrilaterals in the Star of David- as in zero, none. The reason for this lies in the geometrical definition of the term quadrilateral. In the simplest terms, a quadrilateral is any polygon with four sides and four corners. Because the Star of David is a star polygon known as a hexagram, it is based almost exclusively on a trilateral (as in 3) system. A three-dimensional Star of David might actually have a quadrilateral, but the everyday commonly known two-dimensional variety has NO quadrilateral.

Who was the David in the star of david?

The David in the Star or Shield of David is King David from the Tanach (Jewish Bible).

Who did the star of David belong to?

the star of David belonged to king David of the Jews.