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The Bhagavad-Gita is included in the sixth parva of the Mahabharata, the Bhisma Parva. It takes up chapters 25 through 42 of that book. The Critical Edition of the Mahabharata was produced by the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Pune between 1919 and 1966. This version is the one used by scholars. However, an English translation by Kisari Mohan Ganguli published from 1883 to 1896 is now in public domain and available online.

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Q: Where is the Bhagavad-Gita kept?
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Before trying to know the differences between Brahman and Vishwarupa, we must know the seven gods that constitute Brahman.They are,1. Indra - god of dreaming2. Shakti - god of illusion3. Brahma - god of creativity4. Vishnu - god of stabilization5. Shiva - god of determination6. Shani - god of status alteration7. Yama - god of compulsionKrishna is the eigth incarnation of Vishnu and symbolizes our Positive attitude, which corresponds to the junction between Vishnu and Shiva.DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VISHWARUPA AND BRAHMAN:1. Brahman is a fact and Vishwarupa is a belief2. Brahman is eternal and Vishwarupa is transient (Bhagavadgita 11.9 and 11.50)3. Brahman is the ideal state and Vishwarupa is scary (Bhagavadgita 11.23, 11.49, 11.50). Vishnu makes life more comfortable than Vishwarupa (Bhagavadgita 11.46).4. Brahman is our ideal life and Vishwarupa is life with just our positive attitude. Krishna symbolically destroys almost everything other than the positive attitude (Bhagavadgita 10.32)5. Brahman can't be described in words. Vishwarupa can be described in words (Bhagavadgita 10.10 to 10.30)6. Brahman retains satisfaction. Vishwarupa destroys it, which is symbolized by the destruction of Kauravas (Bhagavadgita 11.27).7. Brahman can only be felt and in pure form can't even be felt. Vishwarupa can be perceived with our sense organs. (Bhagavadgita 11.10 and 11.11)8. Brahman is made of seven gods (Manu Smriti 1.19). Vishwarupa is made of infinite gods (Bhagavadgita 11.15)9. Brahman is the state at which our control is perfect. Vishwarupa gives us the least control (Bhagavadgita 11.24).

What does yadha yadha hi dharmasya in bhagavadgita mean?

Whenever there is decay of Dharma (religion) andan ascendancy of Adharma (irreligion) then God manifests Himself!

How is the Bagwhad Gita handled?

Bhagavadgita is sacred scripture of Hindus. Gita it self is sacred and should be treated as divine. The basic essence is soul alone exits and the rest is drama on the stage.

What does Krishna teach about the nature of Brahman?

According to Canto VIII of Bhagavadgita, when Arjuna asked 'what is Brahman?' Krishna replied,'Brahman is the Supreme Indestructible'. It refers to the eternally existing soul, and its constitution is not changed at any time.

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Some words that rhyme with "mudita" are fajita, senorita, and margarita.

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If you mean what is an aeroplane kept in then it is kept in hanger but where does aeroplane is kept does not make sense

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The past tense of kept is "kept."Past: keptPresent: keepFuture: keep

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The correct phrase is "kept mum." This means to stay silent or keep a secret.

Why were people kept in concentration camps?

They were kept in there for there safety. They were kept in there for there safety.