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Hinduism is most commonly found in Africa

India and Nepal

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Ans: For long time it was unanswered question ,Can we (human become God (Creator like GOD). Jainism answered that with ABSOLUTE non violence any human can become GOD.

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Q: Where is Jainism most popular?
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Why did Jainism and Buddhism spread quickly throughout India?

Jainism and Buddhism spread quickly through India because they offered equality. The previous social system was the caste system, and so when Buddhism and Jainism were introduced, it was most popular among the poor, because it offered a chance to be equal to the wealthy. They were also popular among women.

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Where is jainism praticed?

Jainism is practiced all over the world, however, most of its followers reside in India

What is the religion based in the teachings of Mahavira?

Jainism is a religion based on the teachings of Mahavira, an ancient Indian spiritual leader. Jainism emphasizes non-violence (ahimsa), truth, non-attachment, and spiritual liberation through self-discipline and self-realization.

Are there any festivals in Jainism?

Yes, of course! The most popular festival of Jains all round the world is Paryushan Parva, which they believe to be an eternal festival. Besides these some other festivals like Diwali, Rakshabandhan, Mahaveer jayanti etc. have their own importance and significance in Jainism.

What three religions are closely related to Hinduism?

jainism, budhism,christianity****Jainism and Sikhism would be most closely related.

What is the most followed religion in India?

CHRISTIANITY is the least popular religion in India.

Is Jainism a popular religion?

Yes and no. Out of overall 1,028,610,328 population of India jain population makes up for 4.2 million people. In the USA the Jainism makes altogether about 180.000 to 200.000 people. So, in the worldwide sense, no it's not really popular.

What country is most affected by Jainism?

Only India.

Jainism seems to be most strongly concerned about?

Jainism seems to be most strongly concerned about breaking the power of bondage to the physical world. And as such they have code of conducts. This code of conduct is expressed in the twelve vows.

What three countries practice jainism the most?

Pakistan,Saudi and Oman

Who is the founderof jainism?

The founder of Jainism is Mahavira. He is considered to be the last Tirthenkara or teacher of Jainism.