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The pyramids are not mentioned anywhere in either the old or new testament.

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Q: Where in the old testament are the Egyptian pyramids mentioned at all during that period?
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Related questions

What time was the Egyptian pyramids built?

Pyramids were built during the Old and Middle kingdoms (c.2650-1550BC)

Was Jesus killed before or after the Egyptian king would not let the slaves go?

After. Much after. The Egyptian king was during Moses time (old testament) and Jesus was in the New Testament.

What kingdom were Egyptian pyramids built in?

During the Old and Middle Kingdoms (approx. 2650-1550BC)

What Egyptian era were pyramids constructed?

Pyramids were built from the 3rd dynasty (c.2650BC) during the Old Kingdom until about 1550BC the end of the Middle Kingdom.

Why was the Old Kingdom period of Egyptian history known as the Pyramind Age?

Many pyramids were built during the old kingdom

Where were the pyramids located?

The most famous pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza, are located on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. They were built as tombs for the pharaohs during the Old Kingdom period of Ancient Egypt. There are also other pyramids scattered around Egypt, such as those in Saqqara and Dahshur.

Did slaves make pyramids?

No, slaves did not build the pyramids. The pyramids were constructed by skilled workers and laborers who were hired for the task by the ancient Egyptian government. These workers were well-fed and well-treated during the construction process.

Who would build the Egyptian pyramids?

The farmers during the dry season when there was no work on their farms, and they worked for the Pharaoh, provided for from the state granaries, as a form of dole.

Which Egyptian pyramids are the most important?

Probably the complex at Giza which includes the Great Pyramid of Pharaoh Khufu (Reigned 2589-66BC). This is the largest and most accurately built of all the pyramids built in Egypt during the old and middle kingdoms.

Why did they have gods during Ancient Egyptian times?

In ancient Egyptian times gods were important. The pharaoh was thought to be the descendant of a god to the Egyptians. They thought they were on earth to please the gods and that's what they did worshiped and built large pyramids to worship their gods.

What is the name for an Egyptian tomb?

The name for King Tutankhamun (an ancient egyptain king) is KV62

Which kingdom were the Great Pyramids built in?

The Pyramids of Giza (including the Great Pyramid) were built during the Old Kingdom. Most pyramids were built during the Old and Middle Kingdoms.