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"Stop judging [condemning] others, and you will not be judged [condemned]. Stop criticizing others, or it will come back on you. If you FORGIVE OTHERS [your neighbor, your brothers], YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN." (Luke 6:37 NLT New Living Translation)

If you notice the trend of our modern immoral, "thin-skinned" society; Forgiveness and Mercy toward one another has become harder and harder to find. But God's Word reveals that these things are exactly what all men should be striving for in this "first phase" of life which are all experiencing for the first time in each of our lives. Forgiveness is NOT natural to our all-too-human nature, which is naturally selfish and rebellious to authority of any kind. It's something that we need to OVERCOME in each of ourselves through the teachings of The Bible and subsequent personal obedience to them.

Jesus Christ [the WORD: the Almighty Creator God of the Old Testament who said, 'Let there be light' - John 1:3] set forth His example of Forgiveness for us to follow by His DEATH at the hands of His own creation, man. Most people, of course, don't think of Him as a KING to be feared, revered, respected and OBEYED... but rather as a tiny baby in a manger whom we want to cuddle and protect [rather than the other way around]: but A KING is EXACTLY WHAT HE IS! As is evident in the parable of the coming Judgment Day of mankind:

"...THE KING [Jesus Christ] called THE MAN HE HAD FORGIVEN and said, 'YOU EVIL SERVANT! I FORGAVE YOU that tremendous debt [your sins: your disobedience to MY LAWS and COMMANDMENTS - I John 3:4] because you pleaded with Me. SHOULDN'T YOU HAVE MERCY ON YOUR FELLOW SERVANT [your brother], JUST AS I HAD MERCY ON YOU?'" (Matt.18:32 NLT)

Our modern society and man's nature is HOSTILE to the laws of God [Rom.8:7]... and it grows collectively worse and worse, daily. We have fully indulged in the deadly rebellious selfishness of our nature, and are succumbing to the teachings of the god of this world: the religion of EVOLUTION! The SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST!

Rest assured that the religion of Evolution demands of its converts to "believe" in more "miracles" than any other false religion on this earth does.

How can our society, for instance, fight the increasing bloodshed in our public schools where our children are murdering one another, when the religion of EVOLUTION which they teach there TEACHES THEM THAT THEY ARE A COSMIC ACCIDENT... and that LIFE HAS NO VALUE, and that THERE IS NO PURPOSE TO LIFE!?!?

Where is the HOPE of any kind of FUTURE for our children headed toward graduation in the hostile environment of this society that teaches, not "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"... but, "do unto others BEFORE they do it unto you?"

FORGIVENESS is the MAJOR LESSON OF THE BIBLE for THIS LIFE that man should be learning. But his hostile, rebellious rejection of God's Word has removed any consciousness of it far from his Satan-blinded and deceived [see Rev.12:9] "spirit" [his "mind"... his "intellect"].

Man is motivated by his FIVE PHYSICAL SENSES... not his "slumbering spirit" [intellect] within him.

"...there MUST BE a SPIRITUAL RENEWAL OF YOUR THOUGHTS and ATTITUDES. You must display [through obedience to the Truth of God's Word and guidance of His Holy Spirit] A NEW ATTITUDE because [if you repent of your disobedience to God's Laws; sin] YOU ARE A NEW PERSON, CREATED IN GOD'S LIKENESS - Righteous, Holy, and True. So put away all falsehood and 'tell your neighbor the Truth' because WE BELONG TO EACH OTHER." (Eph.4:23-25 NLT)

Unless a radical change in man's SPIRIT... his ATTITUDE... toward God and His Word takes place in the hearts and minds of men [upon which Satan presently has a strangle-hold]... the MERCILESS bickering and fomentation of hatred emanating from the hearts of men that's so prevalent in our society will only get worse... not better.

"...'DON'T SIN BY LETTING ANGER GAIN CONTROL OVER YOU.' Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for ANGER GIVES A MIGHTY FOOTHOLD TO THE DEVIL. If you are a thief, STOP STEALING. Begin using your hands for HONEST WORK, and then give generously to OTHERS IN NEED..." (verses 26-28).

Learning HOW TO FORGIVE your brother [neighbor] is THE BIG LESSON God's Word has to teach ALL OF MANKIND. But he can't learn it if the god he chooses to worship and obeys keeps his heart and mind far from the Scriptures [the Bread of God that feeds and nourishes the human spirit and Child of God growing within us toward our Future Birth into His Divine, Immortal Family].

"My dear brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders away from the Truth [God's Word - John 17:17] and is BROUGHT BACK AGAIN [through FORGIVENESS], you can BE SURE that the one who brings that person back will save that sinner [disobedient person to God's Commandments] from death and bring about THE FORGIVENESS OF MANY SINS." (James 5:19-20 NLT)

"I say this... some godless people have wormed their way in among you, saying that GOD'S FORGIVENESS ALLOWS US TO LIVE IMMORAL LIVES. The fate of such people was determined long ago, for they have turned against our only MASTER and LORD, Jesus Christ. I must remind you - and you know it well - that even though the LORD [Jesus Christ; the Creator God of the Old Testament] rescued the WHOLE NATION OF Israel from Egypt, He later DESTROYED EVERY ONE OF THOSE WHO DID NOT REMAIN FAITHFUL." (Jude 1:4-5 NLT)

The Bible teaches man [any man who will heed His Word], that "Judgment Day" [the Last Great Day of God's plan] is coming on the whole world. And that God's SALVATION, Mercy and Forgiveness toward us will only come if WE FORGIVE OUR BROTHER.

" is DESTINED that EACH PERSON DIES ONLY ONCE and AFTER THAT COMES JUDGMENT, so also Christ died only once AS A SACRIFICE to take away the sins of many people. HE WILL COME AGAIN but not to deal with our sins again. This time HE WILL BRING SALVATION to ALL THOSE who are EAGERLY WAITING FOR HIM." (Heb.9:27-28 NLT)

According to the Bible, the survival of mankind doesn't depend on our physical fitness and power to "KILL ONE ANOTHER;" but our spiritual attitude and humility toward one another, and the Power to LOVE and RESPECT and FORGIVE one another.

The blanket coverage of that basic attitude is contained in God's Ten Commandments: LOVE, HONOR and OBEY GOD, revere His very NAME -- Remember the Sabbath Day; God's weekly reminder of our CREATION, not evolution -- LOVE, HONOR and RESPECT YOUR BROTHER; don't murder him, don't steal from him, don't lie to him, don't lust after the things he owns.

"...I... am a jealous God who WILL NOT SHARE YOUR AFFECTION WITH ANY OTHER GOD! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those WHO HATE ME... But I lavish MY LOVE on those WHO LOVE ME and OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS..." (Ex.20:5-6 NLT)

"...shewing MERCY unto thousands [or the thousandth generation] of them THAT LOVE ME, and KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS." (verse 6 KJV)

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Q: Where in the bible does it talk about forgiving a brother?
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