

Best Answer

The 144,000 are mentioned in Revelation 7:4-8, but verse 9 tells us the number saved is "a great multitude which no man could number". Anyone who says that few are going to be with God lacks understanding.

Different viewpoint:

At Revelation 14:1-3 it says they were redeemed from the no time did it say the great Multitude was redeemed from the earth. The earth is here for a reason. Jesus said 'the meek ones will inherit the earth' MATT 5:5, PSALM 37:11, PSALM 37:29, ECCL 1:4.

Additional information:

It's interesting to note that many people feel The Bible actually speaks of two groups who will be saved. Those spoken of as 144,000 in Rev 7 & 14 (mentioned above)who will RULE with Christ in his heavenly kingdom, and those 'without number' who will inherit the earth and be ruled OVER by that government. Revelation 5:10

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Q: Where in the bible does it mention 140000 people are going to heaven?
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