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Q: Where in the bible does Jesus tell John which disciple would betray him?
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When jesus announced he would be betrayed Which desciple motioned to the disciple closest to Jesus to ask him who he meant?

Peter ask the disciple who Jesus loved most to ask who it was that would betray him. Jesus then said it will be the person who I pass the bread to next. So Jesus broke bread and then passed it to Judas. N.I.V.

Why would you want to be a disciple of Jesus?

A Disciple is a follower by definition. Those who want to follow in His example and lead the life of a Christian would want to be his disciple.

What is the only line Jude had in the bible?

Do you mean Judas? Jude was the half-brother of Jesus and wrote the book of Jude, there are no recorded quotes of his. Judas responded "Master, is it I?" in 26:25 when Jesus said that one of the disciples would betray Him.

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What does Suffer not yourself to be betrayed with kiss mean?

It is an allusion to The Bible (if you're reading Patrick Henry's speech). Luke 22:47-48. Jesus asked Judas why he was acting like his friend by kissing him, when in reality Jesus knew that he would betray him. Judas later turned Jesus over to his enemies.

Who was the disciple Simon Peter was asking Jesus about in John 21 verse 20?

Mary MagdaleneAnother answer:John 21:20, 21 - Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, "Lord, who is the one who betrays You?" Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, "But Lord, what about this man?"The disciple Peter asked about had "leaned on Jesus' breast at the supper" and asked who would betray Him.John 13:23, 24 - Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask who it was of whom He spoke. Then, leaning back on Jesus' breast, he said to Him, "Lord, who is it?""The disciple whom Jesus loved" was John's way of referring to himself in his gospel. Simon Peter was inquiring about John.[Quotes from NKJV]

The first and the best disciple was?

If you ask who was Jesus best disciple it would be Symon whom he called Peter.

Who was Jesus best disciple?

Jesus never said. It would not be in His nature to nurture envy or create competition among His disciples.

Who said he would not believe unless he saw the nails prints in jesus hands?

Thomas, one of Jesus' 12 disciple's

Why was Judas selected as a disciple?

Because Judas would eventually betray Jesus. But God knows what is going to happen and he knew that Judas would betray Him and that was part of God's plan for Him to die on the cross and save us from hell. so if Jesus would have not picked Judas as a disciple then the Crucifixion would not have taken place the way that God meant it to!Answer #2:As Jesus is supposed to be the manifestation of God on earth, he doomed himself to suffer 33 years of human misery out of an eternity of (presumably) bliss. Definitely a sacrifice but, in the grand scheme of things, put-uppable-with. Especially as he made the bloodthirsty rules in the first place. On the other hand, in order to put Jesus in this place to make this supposed blood payment, Judas would have to condemn himself to 'eternal damnation', and the condemnation of all, for all eternity. Of the two, I consider the second the greater 'sacrifice'. Judas would therefore be the 'true' saviour. Thank God it's a load of hokum.

Why did peter's denial hurt Jesus so much?

Peter proudly denied that he would ever deny Jesus , but he denied Jesus three times just as Jesus said he would do. And he was a favourite disciple.

Was John the Baptist a disciple or an apostle?

Neither, John the baptist was a prophet. He was the cousin of Jesus. He started preaching and baptizing shortly before the start of the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth and thus was neither a disciple nor an apostle. He is indicated in the Bible as the forerunner of Jesus. See Matthew 3:1ff, Mark 1:1ff, Luke 1:ff, Luke 3:1ff, John 1:19ff for biblical references to John the baptist.