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Referring to Genesis 6:3 I assume? Most believe it means that there was 120 years to go until the flood, not that the life span of humans would be only that long. After all, it is believed that prior to the geoatmospheric cataclysms of the flood it was possible for humans to live much longer than they do now. And throughout history people have lived to well over 120 years, at least a few have, and most people don't live anywhere near that long. So it would have been patently ridiculous for God to state that humans would only live 120 years.

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14y ago
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12y ago

It begins when man would simply didn't die. In some time later, they could live around 900 years when God brought it down to 120 years if the persons ate the proper food and abstained from vice.

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11y ago

This passage can be found in Genesis 6:3:

"And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."

This translation was taken from the King James version of The Bible. Different translations may contain varying text.

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17y ago

Genesis 6 v 3 ...yet his days (that is man's) shall be an hundred and twenty years.

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15y ago

Moses the great leader lived for a period of 120 years.

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Yes, in Genesis 6:3.

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Q: Where in the bible does God promise us 120 Years?
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