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Genesis 5:18New King James Version (NKJV)

18 Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and begot Enoch.

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Q: Where in the bible can you find Enoch the son of Jared?
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Who was Enoch in Genesis?

Enoch was a man from the Old Testament, more specifically the book of Genesis, who is famous for being taken up into heaven without dying.Christian New Testament also has three references to Enoch (Luke 3:37, Hebrews 11: 5, Epistle of Jude 1:14-15).In the Bible, it is mentioned that:Enoch (ancestor of Noah), son of Jared, great-grandfather of NoahEnoch (son of Cain)Hanoch (Enoch), son of ReubenHanoch (Enoch), one of the five sons of MidianEnos (Bible), or Enosh, grandson of Adam and great grandfather of EnochThe Book of Enoch.Enoch (Arabic: إدريس‎ ʼIdrīs) appears in the Book of Genesis and a figure in the Generations of Adam.Enoch is the son of Jared (Gen 5:3-18), the father of Methuselah, and the great-grandfather of Noah. The text says; uniquely in the Generations; that Enoch "walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him", (Gen 5:22-29).

Who was enoch father?

According to The Bible Jared was the father of Enoch.This is the written biblical account of Adam's line.AdamSethEnoshKenanMahalalelJaredEnochMethuselahLamechNoah (became the father of Shem, Ham and Japheth)Cain was Enoch father.Genesis, Chapter 4, 017:And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch.

How old was Enoch Cain's son?

The length of the life of Enoch the son of Cain is not recorded in the Bible.

Who was the First daughter mentioned by name in the bible?

Irad, daughter of Enoch, son of Enoch.

Who did Enoch marry?

Yes, both Cain's son and Jared's son in Genesis 4 and 5, respectively.

Who named a city after his son in the bible?

Cain built a city and named it for his eldest son, Enoch.

Is Enosh and Enoch the same person in the bible?

No. Enosh was a son of Seth (Grandson to Adam). There were two Enoch's: 1. Son of Cain (Grandson to Adam; Genesis 4:17,18) 2. Son of Jared (Genesis 5:18, 21-24; Hebrews 11:5; 12,1) See attached links for more information on these men.

Was Enoch the son of Seth or of Cain?

Leon R. Kass (The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis) says that The line of ten generations from Adam to Noah begs to be compared to the seven generations from Cain to the sons of Lamech............................. AdamAdam................. SethCain .................. EnosEnoch ................ Cainan (Cain)Irad .................... Mahalaleel (Mehujael)Mehujael ........... Jared (Irad)Methusael ......... Enoch (Enoch)............................ Metheluselah (Methusael)............................ Lamech (Lamech)With the aid of the third column (in parentheses), we can see that the names in the second column are substantially the same as in the first column, with just a minor change of sequence. They originated with the same early mythology, but at some stage a new tradition emerged, which was subsequently brought back to enhance and add to the original tradition. Thus Enoch (Enos) is now both Seth's son and Cain's son.

Did enoch have any children?

Yes, according to the Bible, Enoch had children. It is mentioned in Genesis that Enoch had a son named Methuselah, who later became the oldest person mentioned in the Bible.

Who was Enoch's mother in the Bible?

The Scripture does not tell us her name:Genesis 4:17And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son-Enoch.

Who is enok in The Bible?

Gen 4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. Gen 4:18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech. Gen 5:18 And Jared lived an hundred sixty and two years, and he begat Enoch: Gen 5:19 And Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: Gen 5:21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: Gen 5:22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: Gen 5:23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: Gen 5:24 And Enoch walked with God: and he [was] not; for God took him. Luk 3:37 Which was [the son] of Mathusala, which was [the son] of Enoch, which was [the son] of Jared, which was [the son] of Maleleel, which was [the son] of Cainan, Hbr 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Jud 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, This is about all we know about Enoch. He was taken up before death. Many have speculated that he will be one of the two witnesses in the last 3 1/2 years of the Great tribulation since he hadn't tasted death, along with Elijah, who rode off on the chariot of fire. There was evidently a book of Enoch, which has not survived, as Jesus Himself mentions it We will know what it says soon enough.

Who was the son of Cain?

Cain's eldest son is recorded in Genesis 4:17 as Enoch (not the same Enoch that God later took from the earth).