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Paul "saw" Jesus on the road to Damascus. (Acts 9:1-19)

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say that Paul saw Jesus?
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Where in the bible does it say Paul saw Jesus?

In the bible it says saul meets jesus on the road to Damascus, and is blinded.

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The bible does not say anything about dreaming for Jesus.

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Jesus was eight days old when Anna saw Him in the Temple.

How is Jesus seen today?

Lets make one thing very clear, the bible clearly states that Jesus is going to come only a second time, and not so frequently as people claim. Man can not look at Jesus as he is very pure , and we would go blind. It happened to Paul. What preachers and people say , that they saw Jesus is plain imagination.

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There is no Bible verse that says that, because it is not true - Paul did meet Jesus on the road to Damascus. Acts 9:1-8Besides that, Paul could not be an apostle, had he never met Jesus, because his preaching would not have the same authority. Galatians 1:11-12 "But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man, for I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ"

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the bible

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The Bible doesn't say whether or not Jesus had a dog.

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Jesus is recorded in the 25th chapter of Matthew as teaching that we should "visit" prisoners, and by extension, to be kind and merciful to them.

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