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No scripture says that.

One account says, following the feeding of the masses [perhaps more than 10,000 people]... Jesus commanded His disciples to go on ahead of Him, dismissed the multitudes, and:

"...He went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, He was there alone." (Matt.14:23)

There is the account near the time of His pending murder, when He prayed three successive times to His Father to find another way to accomplish the salvation of mankind... but ultimately bowed obediently to His Father's will on the violent and bloody matter [Matt.26:36-].

Another account says: " came to pass in those days, that He went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God." (Luke 6:12)

He prayed another time in what is called the "transfiguration"... which revealed a future vision of the Kingdom of God to Peter, John and James; who somehow knew that they were looking at "Moses and Elijah" "...who appeared in glory..." [Luke 9:31] with Jesus for a brief moment. [Luke 9:28-]

Jesus prayed often and at various times... but His days were full of the confusion and pressing of the multitudes who sought Him out for healing, to hear Him preach... and always hoping for the occasional "free meal."

Scripture indeed tells us to "pray without ceasing"... and while that is a practical impossibility with daily labors and life's events filling our days... nothing is stopping anyone who possesses the penchant to pray from doing so at any given moment of the day... throughout the day or night.

Jesus did this.

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus prayed morning noon and night?
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Why we should do morning prayers?

Jesus taught us the importance of daily prayer. He said, "Always pray, never lose heart" (Luke 18:1). He also said to converse with God day and night (Luke 18:7). When He taught His disciples to pray, He told them to ask God for their daily needs (Luke 11:3).Jesus set an example of daily prayer by praying during all kinds of circumstances:He prayed at His baptism (John 3:21).He prayed as He faced His passion (Matthew 26:39) and on the cross (Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 46).Jesus prayed while in agony, He prayed all the more earnestly (Luke 22:44).He prayed during sad times, like at the tomb of His friend Lazarus.He prayed all night before He chose His disciples. (Luke 6:12).He prayed when He broke bread and gave it to others to eat (John 6:11).Jesus made it a priority to pray. "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (Luke 5:16), or He sent the crowds away and "went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray" (Matthew 14:23). We also read that Jesus rose "very early in the morning" and "went off to a solitary place where He prayed" (Mark 1:35).Morning prayer is important because it helps us have a good and soothing day. We need to thank God for giving us life to see the new morning. We need to pray so that the day goes well without getting into trouble.

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Jesus taught us the importance of daily prayer. He said, "Always pray, never lose heart" (Luke 18:1). He also said to converse with God day and night (Luke 18:7). When He taught His disciples to pray, He told them to ask God for their daily needs (Luke 11:3). Jesus set an example of daily prayer by praying during all kinds of circumstances: * He prayed at His baptism (John 3:21). * He prayed as He faced His passion (Matthew 26:39) and on the cross (Matthew 27:46; Luke 23:34, 46). * Jesus prayed while in agony, He prayed all the more earnestly (Luke 22:44). * He prayed during sad times, like at the tomb of His friend Lazarus. * He prayed all night before He chose His disciples. (Luke 6:12). * He prayed when He broke bread and gave it to others to eat (John 6:11). Jesus made it a priority to pray. "Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed" (Luke 5:16), or He sent the crowds away and "went up on a mountainside by Himself to pray" (Matthew 14:23). We also read that Jesus rose "very early in the morning" and "went off to a solitary place where He prayed" (Mark 1:35). Morning prayer is important because it helps us have a good and soothing day. We need to thank God for giving us life to see the new morning. We need to pray so that the day goes well without getting into trouble.

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Gethsemane is reputed to be the garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem where, according to the gospels, Jesus and his disciples prayed the night before he was arrested, the day before his death.