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Many people who have studied The Bible carefully, have found that the word: 'Hades' means 'the grave'; actually 'the common grave of mankind', so Jesus "went to Hades" when he died. He was dead, unconscious in the grave, for parts of three days(Matthew 12:39-40)(Psalm 146:3-4). Later, Peter said, at Pentecost 33CE, that Jesus was not left in Hades, but was resurrected by God to await further direction(Acts 2:25-27, 29-32) (Psalms 16:10) (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4, 20+21)(Acts 2:32-36).


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11y ago

There is a lot of debate about this issue. Many bible scholars believe that Jesus visited Hades between his death and resurrection. See related links for detailed discussion of the subject, along with several biblical references.

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8y ago

Most people assume that this reference is in the Easter story, from the crucifixion to his resurrection. However, if he died late on Friday and was already risen on Sunday morning, a period of not much more than one day could have elapsed.

However, there is an obscure passage in Matthew's Gospel (12:40) that matches this reference:

For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly, so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth [hades].

Matthew made much use of the Old Testament in an attempt to show that events in the life of Jesus had been foreshadowed. This supposed prediction of the crucifixion was to show that the experience of Jonah foreshadowed that of Jesus, but Matthew had to compromise on the number of days and nights.

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8y ago

First, let's understand what the term 'hades' means: a pit or hole in the Earth. In other words, the grave for the dead.

Jesus used the words of the prophets to explain how long He would be in the grave. This is because God does nothing without first telling us via His prophets:

Amos 3:7Contemporary English Version (CEV)7 Whatever the Lord God
plans to do,
he tells his servants,
the prophets.

With this in mind then, Jesus told us He would be 3 days and 3 nights in the earth as the Prophet Jonah had been 3 days and 3 nights in the great fish - symbolizing death in a tomb:

Matthew 12:39-40Contemporary English Version (CEV)39 But Jesus replied:You want a sign because you are evil and won't believe! But the only sign you will get is the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 He was in the stomach of a big fish for three days and nights, just as the Son of Man will be deep in the earth for three days and nights.

We must go to the correct timeframe to see if we can prove this statement. In the year 31 A.D., during the Passover in April, Jesus was arrested on our Tuesday evening - remember here that the Jewish custom was to count a full day at the beginning of sunset to the next sunset like the Genesis account of Creation did. Next, He was taken back and forth to various officials until finally Pilate gave the crowd a choice of setting a prisoner free for the Feast day. The crowd chose the terrorist Barabbas and Jesus was executed by crucifixion during the daylight portion of the Passover - our Wednesday day. He dies about 9 hours later or around 3:00 PM in the afternoon and followers go to Pilate to ask for the body. He agrees and the followers quickly prepare His body for the tomb. He had to be inside the tomb before sunset and the start of the new day - the 1st day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. It happened and that Wednesday evening began the 1st night in the earth. All day Thursday and Friday brings us to 3 nights and 2 days. On our Saturday or the Sabbath of the Jews daylight portion, Jesus is resurrected - exactly 3 days and 3 nights. He is seen during the dark hours of the 1st day of the week or Sunday but He was already resurrected for some time by then.

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Actually Jesus was in the desert for forty days and nights. And yes he did get tempted by Satan. Three times.

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There isn't one. The Bible is very specific that it was Jesus who was Crucified, Died, and Buried in the Tomb for 3 full days and nights. Then it was Jesus who was Resurrected and after 40 days, ascended to His Father and our Father.

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The bible clearly states that Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness.