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1 Peter 3:18-20 - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.[NKJV]

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Q: Where in the Bible does it say Jesus preached in the spirit world?
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Why do you think did Jesus fill them with the Holy Spirit?

Yes' Jesus fill them with the Holy Spirit to empower them to teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus to the whole world.

How did jesus change the world in the present?

Jesus brought as closer to the Father and open the way to the Holy Spirit to be given to His followers, thus conquering over Satan, evil and death . Every individual in this world can believe and follow him and change his life and gain salvation, which is given freely. This gave hope, life and joy to people through the centuries. Missionaries preached all over the world and Christians are active helping people with love and comfort. On the contrary, religions through the centuries, ruled by wrong people and not Christ and Holy Spirit, took advantage of their authority and gave oppression to people, changed the teaching of the Bible to their benefit.

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God and Jesus created the world in the bible

What did apostles do for Christianity?

The only full way to answer that is to read the book of Acts in the Bible. In short, however, after Jesus ascended into Heaven, he sent his Holy Spirit to live in his followers. The disciples, then filled with boldness, preached their testimony about Jesus, saying that he was the Son of God, that he died for the sins of the world, and that he rose from the dead. They grew in number and spread about preaching this Gospel message. It wasn't even called Christianity until Acts 11:11. But basically, the apostles started the Christian Church.

What is the world famous book of faith?

It is known as the Bible

Who did Matthew the Apostle preach for 15 years?

According to tradition, Matthew the Apostle preached in Judea for 15 years before traveling to other regions to spread the teachings of Jesus.

The Second Coming of Jesus as King?

No one knows when Jesus is coming again. Matthew 24:14 when the gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world for a witness to all nations. I believe that most that are alive today will see the second coming, probably between now and the end of 2012. I have not heard anyone else say it, I just see the world moving toward what the Bible says will be in the last days, as in the days of Noah. We have the ability now to spread the gospel throughout the world via the internet to all nations as referenced as the main sign given by Jesus above. There are many other things prophsied (told us by the Spirit of God) in the Bible, but these two are plenty for me to know that it is time to prepare the of bride Christ for His return.

What are the roles of the apostle in Jesus life?

While Jesus was on earth during His ministry the disciples/apostles mainly learned what Jesus taught and did. It was a great schooling for them. After Jesus died, was resurrected and ascended into heaven the apostles preached "Jesus as Savior", taught, and organised the church. The teaching involved instructing others to continue in the doctrines of Christ so that the "good news" (Gospel) would continue to be preached. And today we can see that this was successful as the Gospel is still being preached today in the true churches all over the world.

How do you take care of metaphysical entities with Hypnosis?

You don't, you believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart( which is a spiritual organ). The Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ becomes one spirit with your spirit and you become a new creation. Now you have been born again by receiving and believing the truth which not only do you have witness of in your spirit but the Holy Spirit draws you...only as much as you let Him. Jesus Christ, Who is the Way and the Truth and the life become the center of your heart and your soul is not oriented around the truth which you know versus what you think or feel or want. That which you know is not ignored but is now King in you heart and the truth is Jesus Christ, He is the Word and if you have seen Him you have seen the Father. Jesus is the Word. The Holy Bible is God's Word to the World. The Word points 100% to Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ gave Himself for the whole world, that whosoever might believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Who first preached Jesus coming?

We can say that the first prophet to clearly mention the coming of Jesus is the major prophet Isaiah who said 700 years before the birth of Jesus christ. That Jesus would come to save the world of their sin.

Who did Jesus appear to in the 1930 s?

no one Matthew 24:26 Jesus said if anyone says that they have seen him, believe it not. Matthew 24:14 says when the gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world for a witness to all nations. I believe that most that are alive today will see the second coming, probably between now and the end of 2012. I have not heard anyone else say it, I just see the world moving toward what the Bible says will be in the last days, as in the days of Noah. We have the ability now to spread the gospel throughout the world via the internet to all nations as referenced as the main sign given by Jesus above. There are many other things prophsied (told us by the Spirit of God) in the Bible, but these two are plenty for me to know that it is time to prepare the bride of Christ for His return.

Where does the Bible state the end of the world will be in 2012?

* The Bible does not state that the world will end in 2012. * Here is my answer...the Bible says that Jesus is coming's does not say a certain time.