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Genesis 19: 24

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Q: Where in the Bible does it mention acid rain?
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What day did God create rain in the Bible?

The first mention of rain in the bible , comes with the great flood at Noahs time.

Did it rain during the crucifixion of Jesus?

There is no specific mention of rain during the crucifixion of Jesus in the Bible. Some Gospel accounts mention darkness and earthquakes, but not rain.

What affects does acid rain have on animals?

acid rain is the cause of the death of fresh water fish not to mention all the other life in a lake.

What is rain acid?

rain with acid

Is acid rain rain with acid?

Yes, Acid rain is rain with higher than normal levels of nitric and sulfuric acid.

Different types of acid rain?

carbonic acid rain and sulfuric acid rain

Is rain a type of acid?

Only acid rain, normal rain does not contain acid.

How can rain be acid rain?

by sulfuric acid

Does acid have rain it?

no, the acid haven't rain it

Is acid the same thing as rainwater?

well you can have acid rain but not all rain is acid rain

Did it rain When Jesus Died?

He rose from the dead The Bible says it grew dark in the afternoon, but it doesn't mention any rain. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour (Matthew 27:45).

Is acid rain a natural pollutant?

no, not really. acid rain has pollutants in it, but acid rain itself is not a pollutant