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thank you for the information , but I'm new on the computer and reaily don't know how to get the answeres, you see I love the lord , and want to know more , and I was told about this link and hope I can learn more by doing so/

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Q: Where in the Bible does God say to one of his deciples 'speak to me no more about this matter?
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Where in the Bible does God say no?

Deut:3:26: But the LORD was wroth with me for your sakes, and would not hear me: and the LORD said unto me, Let it suffice thee; speak no more unto me of this matter.

Is German more difficult to speak than french?

as a matter of fact, it is. it is a very difficult language that you should have learned when you were little if you wanted to know.

Who are the chosen witnesses of Jesus resurrection?

First Mary Magdalane, then the deciples (including eventaully doubting Thomas) and then by people in general. See the related link below for more information.

Can you speak with or speak to?

either... usually speak with I think that speak with is a more gentle approach eg. I will try to speak with her, Whereas speak to sounds more confrontational eg I will speak to her about the problem

Which preposition is used after speak?

Many different prepositions can be used after the verb "speak", for example: "You should speak to the officer in charge." "They speak of things we do not understand." "Our guest will speak on three subjects this evening." " I believe I speak for everyone on this matter." "He has a tendency to speak over our heads." "I would like to speak with you for a moment." Six sentences, and six different prepositions used with the word speak - to, of, on, for, over and with. I am sure there are more.

Why did martin Luther why did martin Luther's 95 theses appeal to the people?

the 95 theses appealed to people because they made more sense. For example it made more sense fore the bible and servics to be in the language you speak.

Does the bible come in street slang edition?

there are several different editions of the bible. some are more accurate than others, but the version you read depends on whether you are studying or just getting closer to god. the KING JAMES VERSION is the first english version of the bible, but that can be difficult to understand because we dont speak in that dialect any more. if you want to stay close to the king james but understand what you are reading you can try the NEW KING JAMES VERSION. the NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION is also easy to understand and is one of the more popular versions of the bible. other versions that i recommend to people are the AMPLIPHIED BIBLE which gives more detail and explanation, and THE MESSAGE bible which is much more conversational and very easy to understand.

Do prophets speak more about the present or the future?

Jesus, although he wasn't a prophet he was the son of God. In the bible in the book of Revelation at the back of the bible it talks about the times that are to come and what will happen it the end times. Many things in the Bible that has been said that will happen has already, like the increase in hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and wars (Libya, Colonel Gaddafi)

What Bible does a Catholic use and what does a Baptist use?

Yes, they are different. The Baptist bible, or any other bible that isn't catholic for that matter, has only 66 books. The Catholic bibble has many more books. These additional books, not found in your regular bible, are called the Apocryphal. These book are said to have more historical value.

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more people speak spanish

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Adam out of the bible

Where to find Aqullia and precilla in the bible?

Acts:18:26: And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.