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1 Chronicles 4 vrs 9-10

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1 Chronicles 4:9+10

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Q: Where in the Bible can the prayer of Jabez be found?
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What is the Prayer of Jabez used for?

The Prayer of Jabez is a prayer that is found in the Bible. It is found in the book of 1 Chronicles. The prayer requests God's blessing and his aid in founding new territory.

When was The Prayer of Jabez created?

The Prayer of Jabez was created in 2000.

Hwere in the Bible can you find the prayer of jabez?

I chronicles chapter 14 verse 10 1Ch 4:10 But Jabez prayed to the God of Israel, "Bless me, God, and give me much land. Be with me and keep me from anything evil that might cause me pain." And God gave him what he prayed for.

What has the author Bruce Welling written?

Author Bruce Welling has written books on topics like management and organizational behavior, including titles such as "Management: Meeting New Challenges" and "The Management of People in Organizations."

Where is the repentance prayer found in the Bible?

Psalms 51

What is the prayer of Javis?

By this i believe you are referring to the "Prayer of Jabez" It is taken from a biblical passage in the first book of Paralipomenon or Chronicles. There was a very popular series of books/bible studies writen about this prayer and increasing personal wealth and happiness.1 Chronicles 4:9-10: : And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, "Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" So God granted him what he requested.

How many times the word prayer appears in bible?

In the King James Bible (KJB) the word "prayer" is found 114 times in 107 verses.

What is one Christian prayer?

One Christian prayer that many religions use is found also in the Bible, it's the Our Father prayer.

Where was the story of Jabez verse in the bible?

1 Chronicle 4:10

How many times is prayer found in the Bible?

The word "prayer" is in the King James Version of the Bible 114 times. It is in 107 verses. Please see the related link below.

Where did the Lord's Prayer come from?

The Lord's prayer came from Jesus. The prayer can be found in two places in the Bible, Matthew 6:9013 and Luke 11:2-4.

Which Bible can God grant you the Serenity to accept the things you cannot Change courage To change the things be found?

It's not in the Bible. The Serenity Prayer is a prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr on July 1, 1943. Early in World War II.