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Q: Where exactly in the Bible verse and chapter does it suggest that Jesus the son of God had Woolly hair and copper coloured feet?
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What is the real name for a woolly monkey?

There are four types of the South American Woolly Monkey -Brown Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix lagotricha) -Gray Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix cana) -Colombian Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix lugens) -Silvery Woolly Monkey, (Lagothrix poeppigii)

What kills a saber tooth tiger?

A caveman, a cave bear, a woolly rhinoceros, a woolly mammoth, and a woolly bison.

What eats the woolly mammoth?

Humans eat the woolly mammoth!

How did the Woolly Mammal survive the Ice Age?

Because they are woolly.

When was Woolly Dormouse created?

Woolly Dormouse was created in 1968.

Is Woolly the moshling on Moshi Monsters a girl or boy?

The description for Woolly on Moshi Monsters does not say if Woolly is male or female, so you can decide for yourself if you want your Woolly moshling to be a boy or a girl.

Woolly animal in North America?

Jersey Woolly rabbit. Sheep.

Do woolly mammoths live in northern Alaska?

Woolly Mammoths are extinct.

Can a saber-toothed kill a woolly bison?

It could if it wounded it by clawed it down and stabbing its fangs into it, but the woolly bison would charge to defend just like a woolly mammoth or a woolly rhino. 3 or a pack of saber-tooth tigers will easily defeat a woolly bison.

What is the woolly mammoths Latin name?

Mammuthus primigenius is the Latin name for the woolly mammoth.

Is woolly an adverb?

No, the word 'woolly' is an adjective, a word to describe a noun, for example a woolly sweater, a woollylamb.The word 'woolly' is also a noun, an informal word for woolen garments, often used in the plural, 'woollies'.

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