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Very good question is Jesus the Seed of Abraham, and yes it is well documented in biblical text. Here is what I understand what I have been taught and what I have read in our Fathers word (aka The Bible).

So lets get started...

Background information:

In order to understand the answer to your question, some background information is necessary to understand. This answer is not only for the one who asked the question, its also for others who may have the same or a very similar question. Here are some things one must understand first...

1st Corinthians 15, each human has a Soul, and that soul resides in one of two bodies.

2nd Peter Chapter 3, there will be 3 iterations of earth and we are now living in the second

2nd Peter Chapter 3, a day with the Lord is as 1000 years to man, meaning each day given in Genesis 1 is 1000 years in length. This is supported with the information given in Revelation 20 concerning "the day of the Lord"

Genesis 1 & 2 and 2nd Peter Ch 3, This second earth iteration consists of two weeks of 1000 years, given thus:

The first week given in Genesis 1 with specifics related to each day which as we now know is 1000 years in duration (6 days of creation and 1 day of rest) = 7000 years.

The next week which begins with Rain (mist) and the Man to till the soil (Adam or eth-ha-adam), this is also called the 8th day (8th of 14 total - Abraham and Christ will be tied to this very day - the 8th day).

So there will be two weeks of 1000 year long days in this 2nd of 3 iterations.

From Adam to Christ is about 4000 years and from Christ to today is about 2000 years so we are rapidly approaching the end of the 6th day, of the second week.

One will not be able to discover Christ (Jesus) as the traditional result of a Man and a Woman copulating and having offspring. To understand this one must read Genesis 6 and understand that flesh women can become impregnated by the fallen angels, beings not intended to be of this flesh world....

Sounds a little creepy... I know... but if one understands your soul can reside in a heavenly body, (1st Corinthians 15) and all souls come from our Father (Ecclesiastes 7), then one can make the connection.

This interaction between angels and flesh man does not happen often (extremely rare), further if its not authorized by our Father it usually results in catastrophic destruction (Flood of Noah). The result of this interaction is humans who have knowledge which transcends this earth iteration and sometimes humans who are of great stature (5+ meters, or 15+ ft, tall).

Summary of Background information:

We are in the 2nd of 3 earth iterations (the one designed for flesh mankind)

This iteration will consist of 2 weeks of 1000 year days

Each soul can reside in 1 of 2 bodies

Angels (souls in their heavenly form .. Heavenly body) can impregnate flesh women

There is 6th day flesh creation (all versions) and 8th day flesh creation (Adam formed to till the soil, maintain the garden)

Support information:

There is a direct ancestral link from Adam to Christ.

  1. from Adam (8th day man) to Noah: (perfect in his generations, Genesis 6),
  2. from Noah to Abraham: (To whom the covenant is made Genesis 16-17),
  3. from Abraham to Isaac: (In Issac shall the seed be called, Genesis 21:12, Paul reiterates this point, Romans 9:7 and Hebrews 11:18),
  4. from Isaac to Jacob (Israel): (Genesis 25:31 the birthright sold from Easu (1st born) to Jacob, for bred and pottage of lentiles (see Hebrews 12:16)
  5. from Jacob (Israel) to Levi:
  6. from Levi to Moses: (Moses and Aaron are of Levi, Levi - Numbers 16)
  7. from Levi (Mary is of the daughters of Aaron) to Christ:(Luke 1 and 3), its the fulfilling of the prophecy given by our Father, and spoken at the mouth of Isiah (7:14). Joseph is indicated there (Luke 3:23)as the son of Heli (Marys father) which could only occur via marriage (as was supposed), supposed there meaning reckoned by law or custom as in engagement and marriage. The word begat is not used in Luke 3:23 to describe Joseph.

Christ therefore takes up both titles

Mary of the tribe of Levi of the house of Aaron (priest line)

Joseph of the tribe of Judah of the house of David (king line)

Making Christ King of kings and Lord of lords

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The first mention of Abraham's seed is made in Genesis:

Genesis 22:18 In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice."

In the letter to the Galatians Paul writes that Jesus is Abraham's seed:

Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made. He does not say, "And to seeds," as of many, but as of one, "AND TO YOUR SEED," who is Christ.

In several places in the Bible Jesus is also called David's seed:

2Titus 2:8 Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel,

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There are several answers to this question. Both Yes and No are fully supported by the Gospels.

Both the Gospel According to St Matthew and the Gospel According to St Luke provide information about the genealogy of Jesus. However, they both offer two options - either he was born of a virgin and therefore did not have a human father, or he was the son of Joseph. Therefore, the first part of my answer is "no and yes".

If Jesus was born of a virgin mother, then he was not descended of David, at least not through his father's line.

At 1:1ff, the Gospel According to St Matthew provides a genealogy back through Joseph and then through the great Zorobabel, son of Salathiel, to King David and then Abraham.

At 3:23ff, the Gospel According to St Luke also provides a quite different genealogy back through Joseph and then through the great Zorobabel, son of Salathiel, to King David and then Abraham. Luke 3:23 provides a plausible resolution of the different genealogies, by saying "as was supposed" of Joseph as the father of Jesus. However, this statement appears to be an interpolation added long after the time of Luke, and does not explain why Luke would bother including a genealogy unless he originally intended it to be accepted.

Both genealogies, that of Matthew and that of Luke, disagree with the Old Testament record of the lines from Abraham to Zorobabel, but in different ways.

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