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The levels of priesthood in the Catholic Church are from lowest to highest ranking:

  1. parish priest
  2. monsignor
  3. bishop
  4. archbishop
  5. cardinal
  6. Pope
The monsignor is a priest who has more administrative experience. He is usually in charge of a large parish or cathedral in the Catholic Church diocese.
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In the Catholic Church, a monsignor is the first level of promotion from being a regular parish priest. A monsignor often functions as pastors of large congregations or cathedrals.

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What are the ranks of the priesthood?

They are: priest, monsignor, bishop, archbishop, cardinal and pope.

What does Monsignor refer to in the Catholic church?

In some countries, Monsignor (or its foreign language equivalent) is the usual style of address for all higher prelates of the Catholic Church below the rank of cardinal or patriarch, including bishops and archbishops. In other countries, particularly English-speaking ones, it is not used for bishops, but only for priests who have received certain specific honorary awards or who hold certain offices. The written form of address for a priest-monsignor is: "the Reverend Monsignor (last name)", and the spoken form of address is: "Monsignor (last name)".

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When did Joseph Ratzinger become a cardinal?

He was raised to the rank of cardinal on June 27, 1977, by Pope Paul VI.

What is the rank higher than a Cardinal in the Catholic Faith?

Cardinals are in three orders. The most senior of the orders is Cardinal Bishop, then Cardinal Priest and finally Cardinal Deacon. The head of the College of Cardinals is the Dean.

Is a Roman Catholic archbishop and a Roman Catholic cardinal one and the same?

A cardinal is of a higher rank than an archbishop. A: Not necessarily a "higher rank" per se except that Cardinals elect future popes -- the Bishop of Rome.Clarification:In many cases a cardinal IS an archbishop.

What is a monsenior in the Catholic church?

In effect, an ecclesiastical rank between Priest and Bishop. The term literally Means My Sir- and is related to Monsieur- Mr. in French. In effect a senior priest. The Monsignor is the highest-ranking priest in a parish- not all priests attain this rank. Tragically a Monsignor was involved in an horrific child-abuse scandal in a local church which became known as the Cheplic incident. How this guy, with a proven record of abusing children was permitted to be raised to the higher rank is itself a miscarriage.

What is a minor canon?

It is an ecclesiastical rank evidentally between Priest and Bishop and probably below Monsignor- who is in effect a senior Priest of a parish. There is a huge gap between Priest and Monsignor- and Bishop. a Bishop is in charge of a diocese- usually a large metropolitan area- Like the Archdiocese of Newark, in which Jersey City belongs. The canons may have been ecclesiastical lawyers- something like JAG men, as the canon law is the law of the church, they would rank between Priest and Bishop, possibly below monsignor. a Mnor canon would be a lower-ranking one.

Does every archdiocese have its own cardinal?

No, Cardinals are not a rank in the Church. The Bishop of an Archdiocese is an styled an Archbishop. A Cardinal is *usually* a bishop (or made one after he is chosen Cardinal), and some Cardinals are Archbishops of Archdioceses but hardly all of them. Cardinal simply means a Bishop who has been chosen to elect the next Pope.

Who is higher a bishop or a pope?

There are three orders of Cardinals: Cardinal Bishops Cardinal Priests Cardinal Deacons There are no Cardinal Archbishops but there are archbishops who are cardinals.

What is the duration of Monsignor Renard?

The duration of Monsignor Renard is 4.92 hours.

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Monsignor Quixote has 221 pages.