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the bible don't say the truth because it ha'd something's is not true but some of them are true but i don't believe it

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Q: Where does it say in the bible that a man would rather believe lies than the truth?
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I would say because their minds are shut to the truth. They believe that the Koran is accurate, while Christians believe that the Bible is accurate. They think that they are right. They want to convert us over to their false religion. The truth, though, is that the Bible is the Word of God. It has been proven again and again by science, archaeology, etc.

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Yes, because I would have to swear on a Bible to tell the truth and when asked if I believe God is who He says He is and Christ is who He says He is, I'd have to tell the truth. I would, in essence, convict myself.

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Why do you have to read The Bible?

You don't have to read the bible it should be a personal choice, but that would be in an ideal world and we do not live in an ideal world. It could be because your parents want you to believe in the same faith as them, more information would be handy like who wants you to read it.Answer:As stated above, "You don't have to...". Unless, God is calling you and you believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. In which case, you are obliged to "obey Him." "...If ye continue in My Word (the Bible), then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." (John 8:31-32)It would be difficult indeed to profess faith in Jesus if you have no idea what He is about, who He is, and what He expects of you. And the Bible is the source of that knowledge. It's divine wisdom and understanding that He says is the Liberating Truth. It's books are "inspired" by God... and the spiritual 'Bread of Life" for growing in Him. (II Tim.3:16-17 & John 6:32-35)Answer:I think that if you are a saved person then you should desire to read the Bible because you will want to grow spiritually in the Lord and the only way to grow is to read the Bible and I believe the king James version Bible is the only real Bible.