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Roman Catholic AnswerThere is only a Bible, The Bible used by the Catholic Church is the entire New Testament and the entire Old Testament. The only thing that makes it a "Catholic" Bible is the guarantee in the front of it that it conforms to the Bible as accepted by the Church since the fourth century. And, no, nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about sprinkling for baptism.
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Q: Where does it say in the Catholic Bible that baptism can be done by sprinkling?
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Is baptism done in an Anglican Catholic church accepted in a Roman Catholic Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerYes, any Baptism done with the correct formula and intention, by anybody, is valid, and thus accepted by the Church.

Does the Anglican church recognize baptism in other christian denominations?

Yes. However, the Baptism must be Trinitarian (In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), with the same understanding of the Trinity as the Catholic Church (that the Trinity is three different Persons, but one God), and done with water (either by immersion, pouring, or sprinkling)

Why do Christians practise believer's baptism?

Because that is how it was done in the Bible.

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There is only one type of baptism, in where one takes a person and fully dunks them into the water then lifts them up.Answer:The above answer is correct, however, other faiths have infant baptism sometimes known as a christening.There is a Baptism in the Islamic faith as well.

Why is a catholic christening done so soon after the birth?

Because Catholics believe that baptism is necessary and that it helps the child's Catholic upbringing since the Holy Spirit is with them at an early age. Baptism makes the child a member of the Catholic Church and God's family.

Does the Roman Catholic Church recognize a Presbyterian baptism?

Yes, of course, all Christian baptisms that are done with the intention of doing what Christ did, using the correct procedure are considered valid by the Catholic Church. If the Baptism was done "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" and water was utilized through pouring or immersion, yes. I am currently handling the forms for the RCIA in my parish (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults), and we accept all Christian baptisms as valid with very few exceptions. Non-Christian baptisms such as Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons, and invalid baptisms are not accepted, but Presbyterian certainly is.

Who translated the Catholic Bible in the 17th century?

This was done by Saint Jerome.

What are the actions done at a emergency baptism?

Roman Catholic AnswerAt an emergency baptism, water is poured on the head of the person and the words, "I baptise you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" are pronounced.

Do orthodox have baptism?

The word baptize comes from the Greek word 'baptizma' which means to immerse and completely cover in water. Sprinkling with water is called 'aspersion', but it is not the same as a baptism. An Orthodox baptism is recognized by all Catholics, but Catholic baptisms are not recognized by all Orthodox, because Catholic baptisms are actually done by aspersion or sprinkling, rather than by full immersion (which is what the Greek word 'baptize' means) and baptism has been the tradition of the Orthodox Church for the last 2,000 years.

How do Pentecostal baptisms differ from Catholic baptisms?

The trinitarian baptism is given in the ritual acclamation of, "I baptise you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit."In my research on the Internet I have seen two different approaches to the Pentecostal baptism, first " the name of Jesus" and second, "in the Holy Spirit".In Pentecostal churches water baptism signifies that you are forgiven of your sins and are now a member of the church. It is done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Trinitarian Pentecostal churches and in the name of Jesusin Oneness Pentecostal churches.Water baptism in Catholic churches is by pouring or immersion, in Pentecostal churches it is only by immersion. Water baptism in Catholic churches is usually done on infants as soon as possible after birth although adults that are newly catechized converts are also baptized, in Pentecostal churches it is only done on adults that are able to give a testimony of their being "born again".Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an entirely different ceremony (it does not involve water at all, in some churches it will involve anointing with oil). Baptism in the Holy Spirit is done by the laying on of hands by the church leaders and prayers, it is then expected that the person being baptized in the Spirit will manifest the Spirit, usually by speaking in tongues. This baptism is generally unique to Pentecostal churches, although some other churches are also doing it now.Catholic AnswerA Catholic baptism is a sacrament that actually brings about what it signifies, it truly removes sins and makes one a child of God - by the power of God. A Pentecostal baptism that is done with water in the name of the Trinity and attempting to do what the Church does also is a valid baptism. Anything else called "baptism" is just an outward ceremony that is ineffective according to the Church.

What are the churches catholic accept their baptism?

All Catholic Church (structure) accepts baptism of any member of the Catholic Church (we, the people are the Church)..Catholic AnswerNot real sure what you're asking. The Catholic Church accepts any baptism done in any other Church as long as it is either done with immersion, or the water is poured on the forehead, along with the words, "I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Ghost)," WITH the intention to do what the Church does when it baptizes. The person doing the baptism does not even have to be baptized themselves. The person pouring the water and saying the words must be the same person. It must be pure water, and it cannot just be sprinkled. It there is any doubt about the intention, the actual running of pure water, or the formula used, then the baptism will need to be repeated conditionally.

Do orthodox sprinkle or submerse when baptising?

The Orthodox only allow full immersion for Baptisms. Sprinkling (or aspersion) is done by Roman Catholics. An Orthodox child or adult must be submersed in water in order for a baptism to be valid. The Greek word "baptise" means to immerse, therefore sprinkling has never been allowed in the Orthodox Church.