The Eagle (no it is not the dove)
In the Bible, when the Holy Spirit alighted on Jesus shoulder in the form of a dove.
In the Bible, the white dove is often seen as a symbol of peace, purity, and the Holy Spirit. The most famous mention of a white dove in the Bible is during the story of Noah's Ark, when a dove brought an olive branch back to the ark as a sign that the floodwaters were receding.
Jonah means "Dove"
I think that the dove is a symbol and is mentioned in the Bible.
Because in the Bible Noah used them to find land.
According to The Bible, the dove always symbolizes purity or holiness. A flying dove could therefore be used to symbolize the Holy Spirit.
dinos fit in the bible when god created the animals and when he sent the flood
The bible says that there was a raven and dove in the Ark.
Athena's Dove is a symbol of peace. Athena (the goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology) has a dove which is a symbol of peace. In the Christian bible, God sends down a dove as his son Jesus is being baptized to say that he is proud of him showing those with him at the time that he is the son of God. The dove is also seen in Genesis( first book of the bible) when Noah sends out a dove to see if the flood waters have gone down. When it returns the second time it is carrying an Olive Branch, showing that the unrest in the world is over.