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Matthew 16:18

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Q: Where does Christ call Peter the Rock?
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Why did christ handpick peter as the rock?

Jesus said you are Simon I will call you Peter. On you I will build my church.

When did peter except his call to Christ?

When did Peter except his call to Christ and where is it found?

Is 'the rock a Mormon?

There has been much debate as to who or what Christ was referring to when He said "Upon this rock..." The Catholic church say that He was referring to Peter as being the Rock on which He (Christ) would build His church. Mormons believe that when Christ asked Peter who he was and Peters reply was "The Christ...". Christ then referred to this knowledge as being given to Peter by revelation, and this was what Christ meant when He said "Upon this Rock.." meaning the Rock of Revelation". As Mormonism was not organized at the time of Peter he was a disciple of Christ and a member of His flock. He later became the President of the church along with James and John as his counselors. BUT the church was nor built upon Peter, he was only its first President.

What made peter change his mind and accept the invitation of Christ?

Jesus called him and told him you are Simon I shall call you peter.That means the rock.

Who is the first person to call jesus the christ?


Why would a person select Saint Peter?

Because St. Peter is the Rock upon which Christ Built His Church.

What did Jesus call peter after he proclaims Jesus Christ son of the living god?

Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. More controversy has centred around this verse than almost any other verse in the Gospel. The question is, "Who or what is the rock? Part of the problem arises from the fact that the Greek words for Peter and for rock are similar, but the meanings are different. The first, petros, means a stone or loose rock; the second, petra, means rock, such as a rocky ledge. So what Jesus really said was " ... you are Peter (stone), and on this rock I will build My church." He did not say He would build His church on a stone but on a rock. If Peter is not the rock, then what is? If we stick to the context, the obvious answer is that the rock is Peter's confession that Christ is the Son of the living God, the truth on which the church is founded. Ephesians 2:20 teaches that the church is built on Jesus Christ, the chief cornerstone. Eph 2:20 also says that we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. This refers not to them, but to the foundation laid in their teachings concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. Short answer Jesus called Peter - Peter - "you are Peter"

What does the name peter means in the bible?

Answer #1Peter "pet-ros" means a piece of rock, much larger than a simple stone. Christ is our Rock, Peter was a piece of that rock... does that help you understand?Answer # 1 ends

What was st peter the rock answer to Jesus Christ when he ask who are you?

Wen Jesus asked peter who he was ? Peter boldly said youarethe Messiah the son of the living God.

Was saint peter good man?

Yes he was. He was a humble fisherman Chosen By Christ to be His Apostle & His Rock.

Was Saint Peter a good man?

Yes he was. He was a humble fisherman Chosen By Christ to be His Apostle & His Rock.

Why should you choose Saint Peter's name?

Because he is the Rock upon which Christ Built His Church.