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Western people to a large extent get their values and moral standards about sex from a number of ancient sources.

Ancient Greeks were particularly licentious. Pagan Rome was rather puritanical, punishing what was regarded as immmoral conduct most harshly, and legislating monogamy. Much of the ancient Near East was regarded as immoral by Roman standards, because of the highly sexual nature of religious practices. The sexual standards of ancient Judah were rather simalar to those of Rome, except that polygamy was permitted, if not common.

Within early Christianity, Paul seems to have been what today would be regarded as something of a prude. The early Church moved towards regarding sex as permissible only when likely to result in conception within marriage - still the view of the Catholic Church and others. Many ancient Gnostics went to the other extreme and said that sex was permissible only when it would not result in conception - because it could bring an unfortunate baby into this evil world. Constantine, arguably the first Christian Roman emperor, demanded very high moral standards, even if his personal standards may not have been high.

Victorian England is distinguished by its prudish sexual standards, even though it is known that those who required such high standards were lax in their own behaviour.

Today, the Church continues to proclaim the sexual values that Christians should follow, but it seems evident that many otherwise faithful Christians choose to ignore the message. Many people in modern Western countries receive their values and moral standards about sex from their parents, or develop their values based on what they believe is right and acceptable.

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Q: Where do people get their values and moral standards about sex?
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