

Best Answer

There are atheists all over the world, in every country. We aren't all concentrated in one area.

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What is the most civil atheist forum out there?

The Happy Atheist Forum, or HAF for short.

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It means you do not live according to the teachings of Jesus , and you could be a atheist.

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Why would someone need to defend themselves? Socrates was a great thinker; therefore, he was most llikely an Atheist. Most great thinkers are.

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Jon Stewart is a Reform Jew or Atheist Jew. He does not practice most Jewish customs.

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He most often describes himself as an agnostic.

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An English atheist is an atheist from England.

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No, he is an atheist. As stated on his twitter

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Is most of China's population atheist?

No, most people in China are one of Buddhist, Taoist and/or followers of Confucianism.