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Q: Where do members of the community believe those who are released go?
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Those who believe in the Holy trinity of God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost.

What are ten characteristics of a healthy community?

Characteristics of a Healthy Community Members participate in development and execution of activities Individual members are physically, mentally, emotional healthy Needs are being met by members around them Members have a sense of belonging and being needed Community continues to grow with healthy consistency Community as the ability to address individuals during crisis situations fire, police, ambulance There is a healthy level of employment for members Healthy form of communication Newspaper, radio, television Positive leaders within the community An election based decision making process Members work together for common betterment Leaders are aware of community needs and dynamics and acknowledge them Community members acknowledge weak areas and continue to better those aspects Members feel safe and secure within their environment

What is release in The Giver?

In "The Giver," release is a term used to describe the act of euthanizing an individual in the community. It involves injecting a lethal dose of medication into the person to eliminate them from society. The community members are not aware that release actually means death, as they are shielded from the truth of what happens to those who are released.

Is there a list of felon friendly employers in San Bernardino ca?

Not that I have been able to find, and I have been searching for 8 years. San Bernardino does not believe in helping those who have changed and that are trying to be responsible, productive members of the community. No wonder we have so many that return to the system.

What is a Ethnic Community?

An ethnic community is those people who live in a particular region and who hold themselves to be members of a common cultural group. The Poles who live in the Chicago area constitute an ethnic commmunity, for example.

What was the reaction of the community members as the students were desgregated in remember the titans?

The community was highly upset. Many people were still very against integration. THey rioted and usually shunned and treated badly those who were in favor of the integration.

In the book The Giver how can people be Released?

In the book "The Giver," the term "Released" refers to euthanizing individuals who are deemed to be undesirable or no longer necessary to the community. This typically involves a lethal injection administered by a designated person called the "Receiver of Memory." The community members are told that those who are Released go to a better place, when in reality they are simply killed.

What percentage of Jews are atheists?

Estimates suggest that approximately 20-30% of Jews identify as atheists or agnostics. This can vary depending on factors like geographic location, cultural background, and level of religious observance within the Jewish community.

What are the different phases of community immersion?

The different phases of community immersion typically include entry, establishing rapport and building relationships with community members, gaining a deep understanding of the community's needs and strengths through observation and interviews, planning and implementing interventions or programs, and finally evaluating the impact of those interventions on the community.

What is The Town Poor?

"The Town Poor" typically refers to members of a community who are experiencing poverty or homelessness and may rely on community support or resources for their basic needs. This term is used to describe those in a town or small community who are struggling financially and do not have stable housing or sufficient income to support themselves.

What three religions blended to create a unique way of life?

Those who believe, those who don't believe, and those who believe and don't believe.

Putting the needs of a nation as a whole above those of its citizens is known as?

Nationalism. Communtiarianism (which could refer to puting the interests of any community including a nation above those of it's members) Fascism sometimes because Fascists were into that.