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they gather at masque every Friday to pray

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Q: Where do Muslims gather every Friday at noon?
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What day of the week do Muslims go to their mosque?

Everyday but in particular on Fridays They usually attend the mosque (or Masjid) ; as a minimum; for the weekly Friday praying. Only female Muslims may be forgiven from attending mosques for Friday praying if they feel unsafe on going to mosques (a case which is rarely existing). However, many Muslims go daily for praying the 5 daily prayers. Also they go to Mosque for the Ramadan evening prayers called Taraweeh and they go for the annual two feast prayers.

Do Muslims have a sabbath?

No, they don't have Sabbath. Shabbat (or Sabbath) is a Jewish weekly day that is dedicated for praying and rest and Jews are not required to work on this day. In this sense, there is no Shabbat or Shabbat day for Muslims. Muslims have their religious holiday on Friday where the go for Friday praying at noon to mosque but they are allowed to work or to do any activity they like except at the time for Friday praying.

Why is Friday really important to Muslims?

Friday is an important day for Muslims as Friday, per Islam religion, is the Muslims weekly holiday. Although it is not forbidden for Muslims on Friday to work or to do any allowed normal day activities, they all called on Fridays for a gathering prayer at noon in the mosque and to listen to a religious speech from the mosque leader (called Imam in Arabic). Friday is considered as weekly feast for Muslims when they dress better and nicer and pay visits, as available, to relatives and friends and enjoy good time within the family members.

Is it true Muslims go to mosques?

yes, it is true. Muslims go to mosques for gathering praying in paricular for Friday (Al-Jomoaa) noon praying in which they listen also to a sermon.

If it is noon on a Friday what time is it in Germany and what day?

If it is noon on a Friday, in Germany it would be 6 AM on the same day. Germany is 6 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Which statement describes what happened to the temperature at noon from Tuesday through Friday?

The temperature increased gradually from Tuesday to Friday at noon.

Do Muslims have a Sabbath day?

Muslims don't have Sabbath day as defined in Judaism. Shabbat (or Sabbath) is a Jewish weekly day that is dedicated for praying and rest and Jews are not required to work on this day. In this sense, there is no Shabbat or Shabbat day for Muslims. Muslims have their religious holiday on Friday where they go for Friday praying at noon to mosque but they are allowed to work or to do any activity they like except at the time for Friday praying.

Do Muslims attend regular worship services?

most Muslims worship every Friday at their mosque. Friday prayer - "Jummah" We gather at around 1:00 PM First call to prayer is announced - azan We pray alone- 5 min Second Call to Prayer is announced - another azan We have a imam (similar to priest or rabbi) give a speech about anything relating to the community & islam: IE marriage or giving money to the poor or fasting during Ramadhan. We then Pray all together in congregation- in rows Then we all meet each other and talk for about 30 min then go home.

Sunday is to Christians like what is to Muslims?

AnswerSunday for Christians is like Friday for Muslims. Muslims are required, as possible, to gather around noon either in a Mosque (Masjid) or in an open area or in a big hall for Friday prayer. However, Muslims, apart from prayer on Friday, are allowed to work, enjoy their time with family, going for picnic or shopping, relaxing at home, whatever they like. (Update During fasting in Ramadan, Muslims are required to work like in any other month but with more observation to God commands and guides as for example not cheating, dealing more decently with people, helping the poor and the old people, etc.AnswerThe Muslim holy month of Ramadan is similar to the Christian Sabbath in that fasting and abstention from work are required. However, I believe Muslims worship 5 times a day everyday, and do not reserve one day of the work exclusively for prayer. Rather, everyday is a day of prayer for Muslims.

How is the Muslims holy day different from the Christians day of rest?

This Muslims holiday is not to be understood as the day in which God took rest after the six day of universe creation. It is believed by Muslims, and according to the Koran holy book sayings, that God (Allah) do not need to rest after any act of creation. Every thing created by God is by the word 'be' then 'it is'. By this Word Adam was created and by this Word Jesus (peace upon him) was created in the womb of the Virgin Mary (Maryam). The Muslims holiday is Friday. It is called in Arabic 'Al-Gomaaa' that means 'the gathering'. In this day, Muslims gather in the Mosque for the noon prayer "called Al-Gomaa prayer" and to listen to the sermon delivered by the Mosque leader, called Imam. Muslims are allowed to work before and/or after the prayer . They allowed to do all activities as on any other normal day.

Where do Muslims worship on Friday?

The only special things on Friday is like Christians on Sunday we pray at noon and it is said that there is an Hour no one knows that what ever you ask God comes true.Also you are supposed to remember god and try to fix bad things about just be more holy..other than that we

Do Muslim's work after dark on Fridays?

Nothing in religion forbids Muslims to work on Fridays as on other days of the week. So nothing forbids Muslims to work after dark on Fridays. Muslims are required on Fridays only during noon Praying to drop work and any business, as possible, and go for gathering Friday praying in Mosques.