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Metals are, on the whole, reactive substances and combine with other materials in the earth's crust forming substances called 'ores'. Very reactive metals are more difficult to extract from their ores. As an example, aluminium (aluminum in the US) is so reactive it was unknown in any quantity as a pure metal until the 19th century as it requires vast quantities of electricity to extract it. Iron is much less reactive, and could be extracted from its ore by simple smelting (heating with carbon), a technique invented thousands of years ago - giving the 'iron age' its name. Bronze ( a mixture of copper and tin) is even easier to extract and was done even earlier - in the 'bronze age' of course. The most unreactive metals are metals like gold and silver - they hardly form any compounds in the earth's crust and only do so in the laboratory with great difficulty. Gold exists primarily in the earth's crust as the metal itself and not as an ore. Therefore, gold was known in really ancient times - firstly as it was unique as a pure metal and secondly because of its beauty and lustre. Therefore gold would have been known to the ancients, even the earliest Biblical characters, long before other metals were even discovered.

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Q: Where did the gold come from in the Bible?
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capitolize Bible, please. we must show respect to God's word. ok here's your answer gold and honeycomb though the Bible does say that the Bible is to be desired more than gold and is sweeter than honeycomb

Where do gold come from?

It is gold and they have atoms

Where is gold first mentioned in the bible?

Gold is the most frequently mentioned metal in the Bible. The first occurance is in Genesis chapter 2 verse 11. One of the rivers issuing forth from the Garden of Eden had Gold.

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English names in the Bible do not "come" from anywhere. They were created, and we still use them.

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There is no word for "lucky" in the Bible.

Who in the Bible wore a gold earring?

In the Bible, Aaron, the high priest, is described as wearing a gold earring. This is mentioned in the book of Exodus where it signifies his position and role as the high priest.

Where did the Christian Bible come from?

The Cristian Bible came from the word Biblia this means Bible in greek.

How many times does the common word come appear in the bible?

The word 'come' appears 1,663 times in the KJV Bible.

What metals are mentioned in the bible?

Gold, Silver, Bronze plus other metals are mentioned. Gold in Genesis 2 Another example Exodus 35:5 mentions Gold Silver and Bronze. They are basical mentioned through out the whole Bible.

Did gold come from Romania?

Yes, Romania has gold.