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A:Tertullion mentions seven deadly sins in Against Marcion, but these are idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, fornication, false-witness, and fraud. The seven deadly sins that we usually now talk about actually originated with the hermit monks who sought to live lives of austerity and deprivation. When hermit monks began to live alone in the desert in the belief that in isolation they could not sin, they began to suffer temptations unique to their circumstances, which created a new list of seven deadly sins, such as gluttony and envy.
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13y ago

In my opinion, I believe it's called, "being human". We have the forces of good and evil working amongst us all. We have choices to make, thoughts and feelings to keep in perspective according to our origins and beliefs. It is very complex, yet it's simplicity is, well what it may be for one to the other.

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9y ago

Among the early Christians were monks, or hermits, who lived solitary lives of prayer and deprivation in the desert. Without company or stimulus it was possible to backslide and give in to temptation. The 'sins' they were most prone to became famously known as the seven deadly sins: Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Pride, Envy and Gluttony.

Tertullian also devised a different set of seven deadly sins: idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, fornication, false-witness and fraud.

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13y ago
Roman Catholic AnswerMan, in his twisted sinfulness. When he fell from God's grace, his nature was corrupted and he could no longer do as he ought. He was following in the footsteps of Satan who had led the way in looking away from God.

The list of the seven deadly sins is ancient and has been used throughout the history of the church as a teaching tool. Saint Gregory the Great reduced the list to seven in the sixth century. See the link below for a history.

The seven deadly sins, as listed by Saint Gregory, and their opposite virtues follow:

Pride / Humility

Greed / Liberality

Lust / Chastity

Anger / Meekness

Gluttony / Temperance

Envy / Brotherly love

Sloth / Diligence

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14y ago

Church Leaders noticed certain sins that were commonly committed throughout the people in the early days of Christianity. They were first identified by St. John Cassian and then were later refined by Pope St. Gregory the Great. These came to be known as the seven deadly sins. The seven deadly sins are Pride, Greed, Envy, Lust, Sloth, Anger, and Gluttony.

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12y ago


Catholic AnswerThe Seven Deadly sins come from The Bible, there was a list in the Old Testament and one in the New, although neither list matched our current one. The current list started from a monk in the 4th century, which took the form we have it in now from Pope St. Gregory's List in the 6th century. The seven deadly sins come from evil, they are the capital sins in that they are the father of other sins, their origin is in pride, originally the pride of Lucifer and then that of our first parents.
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9y ago

The Seven Deadly Sins were created by St. John Cassian and St. Gregory the Great, as the opposite of the seven virtues they oppose. In Catholicism, they are known as the Capital Sins, not because they are sins in themselves, but because they are categories for all sins, and all of them are rooted in Pride.

Pope St. Gregory the Great was pope from A.D. 590 to A.D. 604, and listed the sins as:
and sloth or acedia.

They were created as a catechetical l tool to teach the various sins; pride is the root of all sins, and acedia is the most sly.

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