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Assuming the question inquires about "death"... people have always gone to the same place: the grave -- before Jesus' death, afterward, and even after He rose from His grave.

Even those who "believed" in Christ and died... to this day are "asleep" [dead] in Him... waiting in their graves to be resurrected "first" upon His return.

"...the dead in Christ shall rise first..." (I Thess.4:16).

And The Bible tells us that the "spirits" of all men "return to God who gave it" [Eccle.12:7].

It doesn't mention any dispensation of different spirits going to different places as the result of some judgment, as so many false religions teach. The Bible reveals a "Judgment Day" coming at the end of God's thousand year rule that it calls the "Last Great Day" [John 7:37].

All dead people go to the same place; past, present and future until Jesus returns, despite false religious teachings: "...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." (Gen.3:19)

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they would go to heaven with the king of kings god himself

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Simple. Nobody goes to heaven.

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Q: Where did people go before Jesus died?
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