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Q: Where did lord Buddha died?
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Did Buddha cut off his eye-lids and plant grew where they fell?

Lord Guatamo Buddha (the origin of the "Buddha" myth) died with all his body parts intact.

Who do the buddist believe in?

They believe in Lord Buddha. They follow Lord Buddha's teachings.

Did lord Buddha died due to food poison?

Yes you idiot..And he wasnt lord, never claimed or said..he was a mere human being and hence he died!!

Semelarity between Buddha and lord vishnu?

Buddha is an avatar (manifestation) of Lord Vishnu.

What is the birthplace of lord Gautam Buddha?

The birth place of lord Gautam Buddha was Lumbini,Nepal

The founder of Buddhism was?

Lord Buddha is the founder of Buddhism.Sri Gautama Sambuddha is considered as the 28th Lord Buddha

What was the name of the Hindu prince who became known as Buddha?

Lord buddha was known as siddhardha before he became Lord Buddha. Siddharth was a Hindu king or prince.

What was Buddha's Gotra?

Siddhartha Gowthama's (Lord Buddha) Gothra was Gothama

What is the explanation for the development of Buddhism from Hinduism.?

Buddhism was devloped from Hinduism by Lord Buddha. Lord buddha was a Hindu prince by birth.

What is the name of lord Buddha's wife?

Lord Buddha did not have a wife. However, Prince Siddhartha was married to Princess Yashodhara and together they had a son named Rahula. Later on Prince Siddhartha attained enlightenment and became Lord Buddha.

Will there be another Buddha?

Yes,the next Buddha is Lord Maithree Buddha.There will be many more.

Who Was The Founder Father of Buddhism?

lord buddha