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You may be thinking of Hebrews 10:5 - Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me." [NKJV]

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Q: Where did Jesus say to God prepare me a body?
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God. Jesus is the intercessor. We pray in the name of Jesus under the unction (or leading) of the Holy Spirit to God the Father. they is only one god and he answers your prayer jesus was the ways in his words is what we are to live by so live by what jesus say as he was not god his is the word

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I believe in Jesus and God.

Where does it say that Jesus was sent by God?

In th bible

If you believe in god but not Jesus does that make you a athious?

No, not nesessarily. I could be wrong but I think some Jewish people believe in God but not Jesus. Athiests say there is no God.

Why do people say that Jesus is God and what does it mean?

Jesus is not god, he is the son of god, if you believe. he is the prophet of the christian faith, if you do not believe he is or was the Prophet of Christianity then you are in fact not a christian.

Why you exist is to worship God?

Jesus Christ is god and you were born to worship him for he is God. You might say that there is no GOD but in the end, you will confess with your mouth and your heart that Jesus is GOD for what is written in the BIBLE WILL COME TURE