Miracles attributed to Jesus include: Healing Diseases Living without either food or water for 40 days Curing Medical Conditions including Blindness, Deafness, and Hemophilia Exorcising Demons Feeding Thousands of people with a very small quantity of food Turning water into wine Walking on water Calming stormy weather Raising the dead Omnicience Teleportation
Most likely no, but as John was not there at the wedding in Canna . But it is possible John knew that Jesus could do miracles.
Miracles are most important in the Gospel of John. The miracles Jesus performs are predetermined and are intended to prove to people that he is "the light of the world".
Jesus miracles proved that He was divine. In all His miracles faith was a major ingredient.
I don't think people considered the accounts of Jesus as miracles but the things Jesus did were certainly miracles. Healing the sick, blind and crippled etc are miracles in anybody's language
The nature of miracles of Jesus showed that Jesus had sovereign power over the nature forces.
Many believed in jesus Christ after the miracles, like the Roman centurion.
Jesus performed 19 miracles in Luke.
The miracles performed by Jesus should not be regarded as magic tricks.
Jesus did a great deal of miracles in the short time he was here.
All four Gospels contain miracles performed by Jesus.
Herod Antipas was the king during the time when Jesus was performing his miracles.
Jesus miracles were in one way related to his mission of discipleship to the human race.